ea0049oc10.3 | Bone & Calcium Homeostasis | ECE2017
Formenti Anna Maria
, Mazziotti Gherardo
, Frara Stefano
, Maffezzoni Filippo
, Doga Mauro
, Bertagna Francesco
, Maroldi Roberto
, Memo Maurizio
, Giubbini Raffaele
, Giustina Andrea
Thyroid hormones play a central role in the regulation of bone turnover and thyrotoxicosis is an established cause of secondary osteoporosis. Increased prevalence of reduced bone mineral density (BMD) has been reported even in patients with subclinical thyrotoxicosis such as those with differentiated thyroid carcinoma undergoing long-term L-thyroxine (L-T4) TSH-suppressive therapy. Morphometric vertebral fractures (VFs) are an early and clinically...