ea0038ecp1.2 | (1) | SFEBES2015
Comninos Alexander
, Anastasovska Jelena
, Shah Amar
, Wall Matthew
, Jayasena Channa
, Li Xiaofeng
, Abbara Ali
, Narayanaswamy Shaku
, Nijher Gurjinder
, Izzi-Engbeaya Chioma
, Demetriou Lysia
, Clarke Sophie
, Ghatei Mohammad
, Bell Jimmy
, Matthews Paul
, Bloom Stephen
, O'Byrne Kevin
, Dhillo Waljit
Kisspeptin is a recently identified reproductive hormone which serves as a crucial activator of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Gonadal (HPG) axis via stimulation of GnRH neurones. We have previously observed that a single kisspeptin injection increases LH pulsatility while twice daily kisspeptin injections can even advance the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that kisspeptin restores LH pulsatility in women with hypothalamic amenorrhoea and can potently...