ea0037ep1071 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2015
Villani Emanuele Rocco
, Onder Graziano
, Carfi Angelo
, Pagano Francesco
, Raimondo Sebastiano
, Di Segni Chantal
, Silvestrini Andrea
, Meucci Elisabetta
, Mancini Antonio
Hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis are common in patients with DownÂ’ syndrome (DS), leading to common prescription of thyroid replacement therapy. On the other hand, thyroid function is involved in oxidative stress (OS) mechanisms. DS is a well-known high OS condition because several genes involved in OS mechanisms map on chromosome 21 and coenzyme Q10, lipophilic antioxidant, could be more correlated with hypothyroidism than TSH in DS people. To investigate relati...