ea0042oc16 | (1) | Androgens2016
Prekovic Stefan
, Van den Broeck Thomas
, Smeets Elien
, van Royen Martin
, Houtsmuller Adriaan
, Sahu Biswajyoti
, Pihlajamaa Paivi
, Janne Olli A.
, Attard Gerhardt
, Claessens Frank
, Helsen Christine
Enzalutamide (Enza) is a second-generation antiandrogen currently used in the clinic for treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. It significantly prolonged survival of men with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer after chemotherapy by a median of 4.8 months in comparison to the placebo group. However, in a subset of patientÂ’s beneficial effect of Enza cannot be observed, while others who initially respond eventually develop resistance towards the treatment. U...