Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0063p542 | Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2 | ECE2019

Examination of the care pathways of adults with diabetes undergoing haemodialysis for end stage renal failure

Collins Louise , Plant Liam

Background: Management of diabetes in patients with End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF) is complex, requiring intervention from multiple disciplines. The Joint British Diabetes Societies and Renal Association published the first ever guidelines for the management of patients with diabetes undergoing haemodialysis for ESRF in 2017.Aims and objectives: Assess Current Care Pathways of all patients with Diabetes undergoing Haemodialysis in Cork University Hospita...

ea0099ep240 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2024

Reninoma: a rare cause of hypertension in pregnancy

Green Deirdre , Plant Liam , O'Halloran Domhnall

A reninoma is a tumour of the afferent arteriolar juxtaglomerular cells that secretes the enzyme renin, leading to hyperactivation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. It is a cause of pathological secondary hyperaldosteronism that results in severe hypertension and hypokalaemia. Fewer than 200 cases have been described, seven of which were associated with pregnancy. We present the case of a 29-year-old woman referred with hypertension and hypokalaemia at 10 weeks&#146...

ea00100wd2.1 | Workshop D: Disorders of the adrenal gland | SFEEU2024

Reninoma: a rare cause of hypertension in pregnancy

Green Deirdre , Plant Liam , O'Halloran Domhnall

A reninoma is a tumour of the afferent arteriolar juxtaglomerular cells that secretes the enzyme renin, leading to hyperactivation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. It is a cause of pathological secondary hyperaldosteronism that results in severe hypertension and hypokalaemia. Fewer than 200 cases have been described, seven of which were associated with pregnancy. We present the case of a 29-year-old woman referred with hypertension and hypokalaemia at 10 weeks&#146...