ea0026p532 | Bone/calcium/Vitamin D | ECE2011
Kovacev-Zavisic B
, Novakovic-Paro J
, Icin T
, Bajkin I
, Vukovic B
, Popovic Dj
, Medic-Stojanoska M
Introduction: The most common localization of parathyroid glands is behind the thyroid gland poles. According to different authors ectopic localization is present in 3745.7%.Case report: Caucasian male, 31 years old, with elevated serum calcium was sent to an endocrinologist after pyelolithotothomy. He has the history of ulcerative colitis treated with anti-inflammatory therapy. Laboratory analysis: total serum calcium: 2.85 mmol/l, phosphorus: 0.6...