ea0065p350 | Reproductive Endocrinology and Biology | SFEBES2019
Eng Pei Chia
, Abbara Ali
, Phylactou Maria
, Clarke Sophie A
, Yang Lisa
, Mills Edouard
, Modi Manish
, Papadopoulou Deborah
, Plumptre Isabella
, Hunjan Tia
, Purugganan Kate
, Webber Lisa
, Salim Rehan
, Comninos Alexander N
, Dhillo Waljit S
Introduction: Hypothalamic amenorrhoea (HA) is a condition characterised by reduced GnRH pulsatility and is a common cause of anovulatory subfertility. Kisspeptin is an endogenous neuropeptide that regulates hypothalamic GnRH function. Hypothalamic kisspeptin expression is reduced, and kisspeptin receptor expression is increased, in a rodent model of HA. The kisspeptin analogue MVT-602 has a 3-4-fold longer half-life than native kisspeptin-54 (t1/2 0.5 h). We invest...