ea0021p79 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2009
Parker Samuel
, Roberts Heledd
, Wenham Sarah
, Wayte Avril
, Wilton Anthony
A 34-year-old female presented with an 18 months history of secondary amenorrhoea, hirsutism, weight gain and low mood. Examination confirmed typical stigmata of Cushings syndrome with skin thinning, purpura, acne, facial plethora, central adiposity and hypertension. Investigations revealed fT4 14.7 pmol/l, fT4 4.1 pmol/l, TSH 0.71 μ/l, prolactin 377 μIU/ml, FSH 3.5 μ/l, LH 2.2 μ/l, oestradiol 140 pmol/l, testosterone 5.1 nmol/l,...