ea0022p640 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by Novartis</emphasis>) | ECE2010
Boscaro Marco
, Zhang Yilong
, Sen Kapildeb
, Maldonado Mario
, Schoenherr Ulrike
, Findling James
Introduction: Pasireotide reduced UFC levels in 22 of 29 patients with Cushings disease after 15 days treatment (Boscaro et al. JCEM 2009). Of these 22 patients, 5 achieved normalized UFC (UFC-responders) and 17 had reduced but not normalized UFC (UFC-reducers). Results of an extension phase to this study are presented.Methods: Patients with de novo or persistent/recurrent Cushings disease received pasireotide 600 μg ...