ea0048wf4 | Workshop F: Disorders of the parathyroid glands, calcium metabolism and bone | SFEEU2017
Thurtell Craig , Schofield Christopher
ea0015p95 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2008
Philip Sam , Howat Isabel , Carson Maggie , Booth Anne , Patterson Catherine , Schofield Christopher , Patrick Alan , Leese Graham , Bevan John , Connell John
ea0031p149 | Neoplasia, cancer and late effects | SFEBES2013
Lines Kate E , Gaynor Katherine U , Stevenson Mark , Newey Paul J , Piret Sian E , Filippakopoulos Panagis , Muller Susanne , Grozinsky-Glasberg Simona , Grossman Ashley B , Knapp Stefan , Schofield Christopher , Bountra Chas , Thakker Rajesh V