ea0014p310 | (1) | ECE2007
Vannucchi Guia
, Campi Irene
, Rossi Stefania
, Bonara Paola
, Guastella Claudio
, Currò Nicola
, Simonetta Simona
, Sina Clara
, Ratiglia Roberto
, Beck-Peccoz Paolo
, Salvi Mario
We previously described a significant response to RTX treatment in patients with active TAO, with no effect on TRAb and hyperthyroidism. In order to study the effect of RTX in the orbit, we analyzed the orbital tissues of 9 patients with TAO at decompression after RTX (n.2) or other treatments. Decompression was carried out in 2 patients for sight threatening optic neuropathy and in 7 for correction of proptosis. Of the RTX treated patients, one was decompressed after 12 month...