Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0099oc9.1 | Oral Communications 9: Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | Part II | ECE2024

Differential gene expression in dopamine agonist sensitive and resistant human prolactinomas

Delgrange Etienne , Trouillas Jacqueline , Wierinckx Anne

Dopamine agonists (DAs) are usually used as first line treatment in prolactinomas. Some tumors do not normalize prolactin levels under treatment and demonstrate a more aggressive course. The mechanisms underlying this chemoresistance are poorly understood. Previous gene expression studies have focused on candidate genes such as the DA receptor 2 (DRD2) or the nerve growth factor (NGF), but transcriptome analyses comparing tumors resistant and responsive to DA are still lacking...

ea0022p398 | Endocrine tumours &amp; neoplasia (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by Novartis</emphasis>) | ECE2010

Clinical, hormonal and molecular differences in pituitary ACTH adenomas without (silent corticotroph adenomas) or with Cushing's disease

Raverot Gerald , Wierinckx Anne , Jouanneau Emmanuel , Borson-Chazot Francoise , Lachuer Joel , Pugeat Michel , Trouillas Jacqueline

Objective: Silent corticotroph adenomas (SCA) are rare pituitary tumours immunoreactive for ACTH but without clinical evidence of Cushing’s disease. They have been compared to non functioning pituitary adenomas or ACTH adenomas with Cushing’s disease, but no distinction has been made between micro and macro ACTH-adenomas. We characterize SCA on clinical, hormonal and molecular data and compared the characteristic of these tumours with those of macro (MCA) and micro A...

ea0056p733 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | ECE2018

Sexually dimorphic gene expression in lactotroph pituitary tumours of different behaviours

Wierinckx Anne , Delgrange Etienne , Vasiljevic Alexandre , Jouanneau Emmannuel , Lachuer Joel , Trouillas Jacqueline , Raverot Gerald

Introduction: Various tumours have a worse prognosis in male than in female. This is also true for lactotroph tumours. Indeed it is known that aggressive and malignant tumours, resistant to dopamine agonists, are more frequent in male than female and are associated to lower ESR1 expression.Objectives: Our aims are to study the genes differentially expressed and the chromosomic alterations in lactotroph tumours between male and female and their relationsh...