Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0002sp8 | The Endocrinology of Syndrome X | SFE2001


Connell J

Insulin resistance is associated with a variety of cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease and polycystic ovary syndrome. The mechanism of reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in these conditions is unclear, but is likely to involve defects in cellular components of insulin signalling. All of the disorders above are characterised by abnormal vascular endothelial function, with reduced availability...

ea0019p77 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2009

Expansion of a VHL-associated spinal haemangioblastoma in pregnancy

Carty D , Brennand J , Dominiczak A , Connell J

Von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL) is an autosomal-dominant disorder associated with CNS haemangioblastomas, phaeochromocytomas, renal carcinomas and retinal haemangiomas. We present the case of a 33-year-old woman with VHL who developed clinical progression of a CNS lesion during pregnancy. The patient had undergone removal of a cerebellar haemangioblastoma at age 18, and bilateral phaeochromocytomas were removed at age 27. The only other abnormality on regular review was a mix...

ea0011p127 | Clinical case reports | ECE2006

Autoimmune hypophysitis causing permanent diabetes insipidus – a case report

Grant D , Campbell K , Connell J

Autoimmune hypophysitis is a rare cause of pituitary failure. ItÂ’s aetiology and natural history are not well understood. We present a case of pituitary failure that showed spontaneous resolution of radiological and clinical features, consistent with autoimmune hypophysitis.Case report: An 18 year old male presented with a 7 month history of polyuria and headaches. No significant past medical history or family history were noted. A water deprivation...

ea0009p145 | Steroids | BES2005

The aldosterone/renin ratio using renin concentration compared to renin activity in a healthy population

Al-Hashmi K , Wallace A , Connell J

Background: An elevated plasma aldosterone to renin ratio (ARR) is widely accepted as being important for the detection of primary hyperaldosteronism. The ability to measure renin at extremely low concentrations is the most critical factor in determining the diagnostic reliability of the ARR. We carried out this study to establish a reference interval for the ARR as part of an evaluation of a new automated platform for the simultaneous measurement of aldosterone (PAC) and dire...

ea0007p85 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | BES2004

Urinary free metadrenalines provide the best diagnostic biochemical test for phaeochromocytoma; experience in a tertiary care centre

Boyle J , Davidson D , Connell J

Background: Recommendations for the diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma are based on individual institutional experience but have traditionally advocated concurrent measurement of urine and plasma catecholamines. However, reports of phaeochromocytoma presenting with normal catecholamines suggest that this practice is insufficiently sensitive. In phaeochromocytoma there is an increased output of metadrenaline metabolites with a disproprtionate increase in the unconjugated form and e...

ea0004oc6 | Growth regulation and development | SFE2002

Pulse Wave Velocity and Blood Pressure are reduced by 6 months of Growth Hormone Therapy in Adult Growth Hormone Deficient Patients

McCallum R , Petrie J , Dominiczak A , Connell J

BackgroundPatients with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) are known to have an excess risk of vascular disease. Previous work has shown an increase in their arterial stiffness. The effect of GH on blood pressure is still unclear.Materials and Methods16 patients with GHD (6 males) and no history of existing vascular disease or hypertension, between the ages of 18 and 65 were recruited (mean 45.4 plus/minus 3.5 y...

ea0004p88 | Steroids | SFE2002

Measurement of urinary 18-hydroxytetrahydro-11-dehydrocorticosterone (18-OHTHA) excretion rate by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using the heterologous standard, beta-cortol

Shakerdi L , Connell J , Fraser R , Wallace A

Introduction. As for many minor metabolites of steroids, no authentic standard is commercially available for 18-OH-THA. This compound is the principal urinary metabolite of 18-hydroxycorticosterone, a putative intermediate in the synthesis of aldosterone and of diagnostic value in screening for hypermineralocorticoidism. Since de novo synthesis is time-consuming and expensive, we tested the possibility of using beta-cortol, which produces an ion at m/z 457 in common wit...

ea0009p32 | Diabetes and metabolism | BES2005

Rosiglitazone and phenformin, but not metformin activate AMP-activated protein kinase and stimulate nitric oxide release in human aortic endothelial cells

Boyle J , Cleland S , Salt I , Connell J

Thiazolidinediones and biguanides improve insulin resistance and are used in the management of type 2 diabetes. Use of biguanides is associated with a reduction in vascular complications in patients with diabetes. Pre-clinical studies with thiazolidinediones suggest improvements in vascular function and long-term clinical trials in type 2 diabetes are in progress. These effects are proposed to be mediated through inhibition of complex 1 in the mitochondrial respiratory chain a...

ea0007p141 | Growth and development | BES2004

Growth hormone replacement reduces circulating inflammatory markers, blood pressure and large artery compliance but does not affect resistance artery function in adult hypopituitary patients

McCallum R , Spiers A , Sattar N , Petrie J , Dominiczak A , Connell J

Hypopituitary patients receiving conventional hormonal therapy, excluding Growth Hormone, have an increased risk of vascular mortality. Significant endothelial dysfunction with impaired aortic distensibility has been demonstrated in these patients with some improvement in arterial stiffness after GH therapy. Inflammation is central in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and C-reactive protein is a validated marker for predicting cardiovascular risk.Fo...

ea0007p289 | Clinical case reports | BES2004

A case of non-classical 11-beta hydroxylase deficiency

Freel E , Wallace M , Fraser R , Davies E , Connell J

A 33 year old male was referred with poorly controlled hypertension. He gave no other past medical or family history. Despite therapy with multiple agents blood pressure was poorly controlled at 200/130 mm/Hg. Initial investigations which included renal ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography and urine catecholamine excretion were all negative. Plasma renin concentration was suppressed (1 mu/ml/L, normal range 5 to 50) and plasma aldosterone was raised at 650 pmol/L (normal...