Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0016p480 | Neuroendocrinology | ECE2008

Hypopituitarism following traumatism brain injury in the West Indies: a pilot study between July 2005 and July 2006

Morineaux Sabine , Do Laurent , Simonetti Maurice , Salin Jacques , Foucan Patrick , Donnet Jean-Paul , Lalanne-Mistrih Marie-Laure

Sixty patients with traumatic brain injury are newly diagnosed every year in our island, particularly in patients with addictive behaviours. In France, it is the 4th rank of health expenses, as a major issue of public health care. In order to perform a first endocrine assessment, we performed a pilot study to diagnose traumatic brain injury induced hypopituitarism, assessed at least 6 months after injury, in moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries patients, hospitalized in...

ea0070aep96 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2020

Confirmatory testing of primary aldosteronism with saline infusion test and LC-MS/MS

Teresa Fuss Carmina , Brohm Katharina , Kurlbaum Max , Hannemann Anke , Kendl Sabine , Fassnacht Martin , Deutschbein Timo , Hahner Stefanie , Kroiss Matthias

Objective: The saline infusion test (SIT) is a standard confirmatory test for primary aldosteronism (PA) and based on impaired aldosterone suppression in PA compared to essential hypertension (EH). In the past, aldosterone was quantified using immunoassays (IA). Due to the more widespread use of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in clinical routine, we aimed at a method-specific aldosterone threshold for the diagnosis of PA during SIT and explored the d...

ea0078emm2.1 | Symposium 2 | BSPED2021

GnRH analogue treatment for gender dysphoria

Hannema Sabine

An increasing number of transgender adolescents seeks medical care. After careful assessment and in the absence of contraindications, adolescents who have entered puberty, wish treatment and can provide informed consent can be treated with a GnRH analogue (GnRHa). This prevents further development of secondary sex characteristics incongruent with gender identity and provides the adolescent time to consider the option to undergo further gender affirming treatment. Studies on th...

ea0090s16.1 | Molecular basis of thyroid development and function | ECE2023

Single cell transcriptomic analysis of zebrafish thyroid gland or thyroid organoids

Costagliola Sabine

The thyroid gland regulates growth and metabolism by producing thyroid hormones in follicles composed of thyrocytes. So far, thyroid cells were thought to be a homogeneous population. To uncover genetic heterogeneity in the thyrocyte population and to molecularly characterize the non-thyrocyte cells surrounding mature follicles or follicles in development, we have developed single-cell transcriptome atlas of mouse and human thyroid organoids derived from pluripotent stem cells...

ea0034s6.1 | Thyroid cell biology comes to your clinic (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Journal of Molecular Endocrinology</emphasis>) | SFEBES2014

Development of functional thyroid tissue from embryonic stem cells

Costagliola Sabine

Induced overexpression of defined transcription factors has been shown to have a directing effect on the differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into specific cell types. Nevertheless, protocols promoting coordinated self-assembly of differentiated cells into distinct morphological units with functional properties reminiscent of organs and tissues in vivo are still very sparse. Our group recently reported efficient rescue of hypothyroidism in athyroid mice tran...

ea0020s14.1 | Thyroid | ECE2009

TSH receptor and thyroid diseases

Costagliola Sabine

The thyrotropin receptor (TSHr) is a glycoprotein hormone receptor controlling the thyroid growth and the thyroid hormones production, upon stimulation by its natural ligand, the thyrotropin hormone (TSH). In some pathological situations, this receptor is activated in the absence of TSH, either by autoantibodies from patients with GravesÂ’ disease (an autoimmune thyroid disease where the TSHr is targeted and activated by autoantibodies), or by activating mutations (as obse...

ea0036P36 | (1) | BSPED2014

Lessons learnt from starting an insulin pump service in Forth Valley, Scotland: challenges, solutions, and outcomes

Grosser Sabine , Schulga John

Aims: We aimed to assess the effectiveness of an insulin pump service for children, describe the demographics of the pump population and to review the change in glycaemic control following initiation of pump therapy. We also assessed patient and staff perceptions of the service.Method: Patients commenced on CSII from July 2013 to July 2014.Data collected included demographics, deprivation scores, HbA1c before and during pump therap...

ea0013s15 | Thyroid and autoimmunity | SFEBES2007

The TSH receptor: from natural variants to structure and function

Vassart Gilbert , Costagliola Sabine

The dichotomy between hormone recognition, by the ectodomain containing leucine-rich repeats (LRR), and activation of the G protein, by the rhodopsin-like serpentine portion, is a well established property of glycoprotein hormone receptors (GpHRs). Extensive site-directed mutagenesis experiments and direct structural data have fully confirmed that high affinity recognition of the hormones by their receptors was built within the structure of the LRRs. It is possible to transfor...

ea0045p32 | Diabetes | BSPED2016

Emergency advice for families of children with diabetes – the story of a helpline

Grosser Sabine , Alexander Vicky

Objective: To describe the changes in out-of-hours emergency advice to families of children with diabetes over the last 15 years, the reasons for change and impact on hospital attendance.The local emergency clinical helpline for children with diabetes (DiabNet) was discontinued in August 2015. We have looked at its service and how it informed the support we deliver today, especially out of hours advice provided currently by paediatric registrars.<p c...

ea0081p762 | Late-Breaking | ECE2022

Do polymorphisms of the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors play a role in adrenal crises?

Chifu Irina , Janik Freytag , Herterich Sabine , Heike Weber , Hahner Stefanie

Introduction: Polymorphisms of the glucocorticoid (NR3C1) and mineralocorticoid receptor (NR3C2) have been linked to the regulation of HPA-axis and to glucocorticoid sensitivity. We investigated whether NR3C1 and NR3C2 polymorphisms correlate with the occurence of adrenal crises (AC) in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI).Material and methods: We investigated 100 patients with PAI (70% women, mean age 51±15 years). DNA was extracted fr...