Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0056p600 | Obesity | ECE2018

Obesity and dementia: the misleading “obesity paradox”

Pane Adriana , Pegueroles Jordi , Ruiz Sabina , Videla Laura , Carmona-Iragui Maria , Vilaplana Eduard , Montal Victor , Casajoana Anna , Vidal Josep , Fortea Juan , Jimenez Amanda

Background: Mid-life obesity is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). On the contrary, late-life obesity has been identified as a protective factor for dementia. Recent published studies have shown that weight loss predicts and precedes dementia diagnosis by decades. Thus, paradoxical effect of body weight across lifespan, the so called “obesity paradox”, might be explained by reverse causality. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been extensiv...

ea0035p674 | Growth hormone IGF axis basic | ECE2014

Pollution agents contribution in goitrogenous process in dobrogea: the Southeastern boundary of Romania

Circo Eduard

Objective: Assessment of the health status in a population from a territory with apparently normal iodine intake may take in consideration the incidence of goiter as a mass pathologic process. Considering goiter as a result of both endogenous and exogenous factors, the study of its incidence and correlations with potentially goitrogens represents a prophylactic medical activity. Use of the term ‘paraendemic’ for a certain territory does not justify a ‘relaxation...

ea0035p1000 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2014

Delayed puberty and early menopause in women with GH deficiency

Circo Eduard

Introduction: Involvement of growth hormone in the maturation and function of the ovary is proved by a series of clinical observations.Scope: Assessing serum levels of IGF1 as a marker of GH activity correlated to age of onset of menarche and menopause.Method: The study groups consisted of 41 patients (group 1) with GH deficiency diagnosed before the age of 8 years and a group of 18 adult patients with pituitary dwarfism who had ea...

ea0081ep484 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2022

Quality of life, anxiety-depressive disorders and their assessment in patients with metabolic syndrome

Moskalenko Olga , Kasparov Eduard

This article discusses the assessment of quality of life, psychological state and anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with metabolic syndrome. It is known that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in different countries is about 30% and varies from included criteria. The problem of the quality of life of obese and overweight patients is relevant and socially significant. Research Methods The authors present the results of a study of 70 patients with MS and 36 apparently h...

ea0026p390 | Thyroid (non cancer) | ECE2011

Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy: therapeutic decisions

Circo Eduard , Seceleanu Mihaela

Objectives: Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy presents a challenge for medical doctor, patient and products of conception.Aim of the study: To specify the peculiarities of expression of hyperthyroidism in pregnant women, diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, prognosis of pregnancy and effect on the fetus.Materials and methods: The study included a total of 27 women with hyperthyroidism of which 15 (group A) had thyrotoxicosis before concept...

ea0099ep656 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2024

Psycho-emotional status in patients with metabolic syndrome

Moskalenko Olga , Vilyamovich Kasparov Eduard

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a widespread clinical syndrome, the incidence of which is increasing annually in both developing and developed countries. The prevalence of MS among the working population is quite high (20-25%) and tends to increase. The presence of MS increases the risk of developing type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and anxiety and depression are considered as independent risk factors for the development of MS. It has also been found that the prevalenc...

ea0099ep941 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2024

Metabolic syndrome: assessment of the role of biochemical indicators in diagnostics

Moskalenko Olga , Vilyamovich Kasparov Eduard

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a pressing problem of modern medicine. The prevalence of MS has a worldwide tendency to increase and depends on many factors, which explains the difficulty in diagnosis, prevention programs and treatment of this pathology. It has been established that MS has a multifactorial etiology, in which psycho-social factors, genetic and environmental factors are important. At the subclinical stage, functional and biochemical changes associated with MS are rev...

ea0063p166 | Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 1 | ECE2019

Assessment of the functional activity of neutrophilic granulocytes in patients with metabolic syndrome

Smirnova Olga , Kasparov Eduard , Moskalenko Olga

Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a common disease with up to 25% of the total adult population and more than 45% of those over 60 years of age. When MS develops a complex of metabolic disorders that contribute to the development of vascular atherosclerotic diseases, such as abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia. Exchange disorders in MS are associated with the development of inflammation in organs and vessels, while the role of neutrophils i...

ea0063p762 | Thyroid 2 | ECE2019

Thyroid ecostructural implications of antinuclear antibodies in patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis and hypovitaminosis D

Ibadula Seila , Scrinic Olesea , Circo Eduard

Aims: Presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) is correlated to tissue involutive lesions by microvascular alterations. The possible involvement of hypovitaminosis D as a negative immunomodulatory factor along with the presence of ANA and the incidence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) atrophic form is a complex mechanism with multiple pathological intercorrelations.Material and method: Inclusion criteria: patients - new cases diagnosed with CAT wi...

ea0063p771 | Thyroid 2 | ECE2019

Functional thyroid changes in the first trimester of pregnancy in a normal iodine intake area

Scrinic Olesea , Ibadula Seila , Circo Eduard

Objectives: Evaluation of functional thyroid alterations in correlation with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).Material and method: Study performed on a group of 136 pregnant women with HG and a control group of 101 pregnant women. In both groups, cases with a known history of thyroid disease, molar pregnancy, multiple pregnancies or other systemic chronic diseases were excluded. Patients were clinically and serologically examined (TSH, FT4, ATPO, TRAb), the r...