Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0062we1 | Workshop E: Disorders of the gonads | EU2019

Testosterone: Is it all about figures

Abdelrahman Ahmed

44 years old gentleman referred to endocrinology clinic complaining of reduced libido. Initial blood test showed borderline low testosterone levels measuring 8.4 nmol/l (10–37) on 2016. SHBG 28. He has a past medical history of type 2 diabetes diagnosed March 2015, fibromyalgia, bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, spinal osteoarthritis and asthma. medication includes Amitriptyline 30 OD, Buprenorphine 15 μg patches weekly and inhalers together with metformin and sitagl...

ea0094p311 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular | SFEBES2023

Autoimmune adrenal cortex insuffiency induced cardiomyopathy - A case report and literature Review

Abdelrahman Hiba , Azharuddin Mohammed , Jones Christopher

We are reporting a 33 years old female, known case of primary adrenal failure who presented to our emergency department feeling generally unwell, lethargic and short of breath, She found to be hypothermic, hypotensive and hypoglycaemic. ECG showed low voltage QRS complex with prolonged QT intervals and ECHO confirmed moderate to severe left ventricular dysfunction with features of ’broken heart’ and ballooning suggestive of Takusobo cardiomyopathy. In our case report...

ea0099p556 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2024

4 Cases of postmenopausal hyperandrogenism in glasgow

Leong Ashley , Azharuddin Mohammed , Jones Chris , Abdelrahman Hiba

Background: New onset postmenopausal hyperandrogenism (PMH) is rare and is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.Clinical Case: AB, a 69-year woman, had 14-years of hirsutism and 1-year of male-pattern balding. Androgen profile was high: testosterone (T) 4.9nmol/L, androstenedione (A) 3.7nmol/L, 17OHP 2.3nmol/L. DHEAS and pre- and post-1 mg ONDST cortisol was normal. Adrenals and ovaries on CT were unremarkable, hence benign ovarian source assumed. She ...

ea0095p90 | Bone 2 | BSPED2023

Systematic review of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

McCarrison Sarah , Abdelrahman Shima , Quinlivan Rosaline , Keen Richard , Wong Sze Choong

Background: Glucocorticoid treatment is commonly used for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) in young people, but is associated with a high incidence of fragility fractures. This systematic review aims to assess the current evidence for pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment for osteoporosis in children and adults with DMD, with the goal of guiding future management strategies.Methods: Three online databases (E...

ea0095p91 | Bone 2 | BSPED2023

Developing national consensus on management of osteoporosis in duchenne muscular dystrophy in the transition to adult care within the UK adult NorthStar network

Abdelrahman Shima , McCarrison Sarah , Quinlivan Rosaline , Keen Richard , Wong Sze Choong

Background: Osteoporosis commonly occurs as a result of long-term glucocorticoid use and muscle weakness in individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), rendering them highly susceptible to fragility fractures of vertebrae and long bones. Existing clinical guidelines for the management of osteoporosis in DMD primarily focus on paediatric management. In particular, management during transition from paediatric to adult care is not clarified in current int...