Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0063p1139 | Reproductive Endocrinology 2 | ECE2019

Androgen steroids profile in follicular fluid of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) women

Bongrani Alice , Plotton Ingrid , Rame Christelle , Guerif Fabrice , Fromenty Pascal , Dupont Joelle

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), the most common endocrinopathy of reproductive-age women, was initially defined by the association of anovulation and clinical and/or biochemical hyperandrogenism (1990 NIH). Since Rotterdam Consensus Conference in 2003, its diagnosis requires the presence of at least two of the following features: oligo-/anovulation, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. However, since its introduction, this definition was strongly challenged...

ea0063p1143 | Reproductive Endocrinology 2 | ECE2019

AdipoRon, an adiponectin receptor agonist, reduces the proliferation and secretion of steroids by human granulosa cells

Grandhaye Jeremy , Plotton Ingrid , Hmadeh Sandy , Bongrani Alice , LeGuevel Remy , Rame Christelle , Dupont Joelle , Froment Pascal

Diet, and especially metabolic dysregulation such as obesity can influence the ovarian activity. Adipose tissue plays an important role since it is known to be one of the most important endocrine organs producing hundreds of cytokines, such as adiponectin. Our team has observed that adiponectin modulated steroid secretion by the ovarian granulosa cells and its concentration in the follicular fluid was influenced by the metabolic status. Recently, a small adiponectin mimetic sy...

ea0063oc8.2 | Reproduction 1 | ECE2019

AMH is a predictive factor for successful sperm retrieval in non-mosaic Klinefelter syndrome patients

Renault Lucie , d'Estaing Sandrine Giscard , Cuzin Beatrice , Benchaib Medhi , Lornage Jacqueline , Soignon Gaelle , Dijoud Frederique , Lejeune Herve , Plotton Ingrid

Context: Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) patients, defined by a 47 XXY karyotype, were long considered infertile. Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) now allows some of these patients to access fatherhood. The predictive factors for success, however, remain unknown.Patients and methods: Non-mosaic KS patients with azoospermia or severe cryptozoospermia on two semen analyses without any other spermatogenesis disorder were included. They were sorted into two age ...

ea0063p1148 | Reproductive Endocrinology 2 | ECE2019

Improvement of bone microarchitecture after 30 months of testosterone substitution therapy in young patients with Klinefelter Syndrome

Piot Anne , Plotton Ingrid , Dancer Benoite , Bacchetta Justine , Ailloud Sylviane , Lejeune Herve , Chapurlat Roland , Szulc Pawel , Confavreux Cyrille

Background: Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) patients, defined by a 47 XXY karyotype, suffer from osteoporosis, with an increased risk of mortality after femoral neck fracture. The mechanisms underlying this bone alteration remain unclear.Patients and methods: In KS patients naïve from testosterone substitution therapy (TST), we assessed bone microarchitecture at distal radius and tibia by High Resolution peripheral Computed Quantitative Tomography, and bo...

ea0090p534 | Late-Breaking | ECE2023

Functional and morphologic aspects of fetal adrenal before/after freezing/thawing and 14 days in organotypic culture

Renault Lucie , Labrune Elsa , Giscard d'Estaing Sandrine , Bidault Valeska , Schneider Gregoire , Mure Pierre-Yves , Lalli Enzo , Doghman Mabrouka , Dijoud Frederique , Lejeune Herve , Plotton Ingrid

Introduction: The human fetal adrenals (HFA) produce high levels of steroids. The gland is distinguishable from the 7th gestational week and can be separated in two zones: the fetal zone in the center which correspond of 80 % of the gland and the definitive zone in the periphery. At this time of the development, neural crest cells are reaching the adrenal primordium, producing catecholamines. A third zone, the transitional zone appears later in the early 2nd</s...

ea0099p356 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2024

Clinical, biological and socio-professional characteristics of patients harboring the 46,XX/47,XXY mosaic sex chromosome aneuploidy: the MOSAI-XX multicenter study

Zaegel Nadia , Plotton Ingrid , Bouvattier Claire Morel , Chasseloup Fanny , Maiza Jean-Christophe , Vanakker Olivier , Kamenicky Peter , Salenave Sylvie , Lucie Tosca , Veyt Nathalie , Young Jacques , Maione Luigi

Background: Sex chromosome mosaic aneuploidy 46,XX/47,XXy (mKS-XX) is a very rare syndrome, with only twenty-one cases previously reported. No patientsÂ’ series with mKS-XX and no comparative studies between mKS-XX and the common homogeneous Klinefelter syndrome (KS) have so far been described.Aims: To describe the clinical, biological and socio-professional characteristics of the first series of previously unpublished patients with mKS-XX. To find p...