Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0041ep232 | Cardiovascular Endocrinology and Lipid Metabolism | ECE2016

Vascular calcification – Impact of PRRG1-4

Schweighofer Natascha , Aigelsreiter Ariane , Trummer Olivia , Kniepeiss Daniela , Wagner Doris , Stiegler Philipp , Pieber Thomas , Muller Helmut , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Pathophysiological calcification in the vasculature favours cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases. In patients with chronic kidney disease vitamin K metabolites are associated with decreased vascular calcification.We investigated the expression of the vitamin K dependent proteins PRRG1-4 in vessels and bone to identify differences in expression pattern during atherosclerosis (AS) stages and compare the two tissue profiles.Gene expre...

ea0090p175 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2023

Women with preeclampsia show altered cortico- and sex steroid profiles

Trummer Olivia , Stern Christina , Reintar Sharmaine , Tandl Veronika , Mayer-Pickel Karoline , Cervar-Zivkovic Mila , Fassnacht Martin , Kurlbaum Max , Huppertz Berthold , Fluhr Herbert , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is a complex condition of pregnancy, associated with substantial perinatal morbidity and mortality, affecting 2% to 8% of pregnancies worldwide. Its hallmarks are high blood pressure (hypertension) and endothelial dysfunction, leading to potential end-organ injury. Affected organ systems include liver, blood, kidneys, brain and placenta. In the present study, we investigated steroid hormones such as progestagens, estrogens, androgens, and glucocor...

ea0063p1005 | Environment, Society and Governance | ECE2019

Genetic associations of vitamin D increase after supplementation

Trummer Olivia , Schweighofer Natascha , Haudum Christoph W , Trummer Christian , Lerchbaum Elisabeth , Pieber Thomas R , Colantonio Caterina , Kolesnik Ewald , Schmidt Albrecht , Pieske Burkert , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Apart from the crucial effects of vitamin D on bone health, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with various chronic conditions such as metabolic or reproductive disturbances. The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) represents the most common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. Women affected by PCOS frequently suffer from oligo- or anovulation as well as from obesity and insulin resistance. There is accumulating evidence showing an association of vitamin D s...

ea0037ep554 | Obesity and cardiovascular endocrinology | ECE2015

Enzymes of the vitamin K cycle and progression of calcification in the vessel wall

Schweighofer Natascha , Aigelsreiter Ariane , Trummer Olivia , Graf-Rechberger Martina , Hacker Nicole , Iberer Florian , Wagner Doris , Kniepeiss Daniela , Stiegler Philipp , Pieber Thomas , Muller Helmut , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Calcification is a physiological process in bone but occurs also pathologically in the vasculature, favouring cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). Vitamin K metabolites, particularly K1 and MK-4, are associated with decreased vascular calcification especially in patients with chronic kidney disease. We investigated the expression of components of the vitamin K cycle (VKC) and the MK-4 synthesis (MKS) in aorta and bone of 26 brain dead organ donors in order to identify d...

ea0070aep168 | Bone and Calcium | ECE2020

Inactivation of diabetoporosity-associated miRNAs in human mesenchymal stem cells

Fößl Ines , Haudum Christoph , Trummer Olivia , Dobnig Harald , Fahrleitner-Pammer Astrid , Kassem Moustapha , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara , van de Peppel Jeroen

Introduction: Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by the loss of bone density and deficits in bone microarchitecture. “Diabetoporosity” is a new term for osteoporosis in diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) patients, where classical tools for the assessment of bone properties like dual x-ray absorptiometry or bone turnover markers are lacking prognostic accuracy for the determination of bone quality and fracture risk.MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are get...

ea0032p201 | Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Lipid Metabolism | ECE2013

Changes of expression of regulators of calcification in different stages of atherosclerosis in vasculature and bone

Schweighofer Natascha , Aigelsreiter Ariane , Graf-Rechberger Martina , Hacker Nicole , Schweiger Martin , Trummer Olivia , Pieber Thomas , Ulbing Matthias , Muller Helmut , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Calcification is physiologically present in bone but also pathophysiologically in the vasculature, favouring cardiovascular diseases. Our aim was to investigate changes in the expression of calcification regulators (CR) during vascular calcification in bone and vasculature. Gene expression levels of OPG, RANKL, OPN, MGP, BSP-II and RUNX2 were determined in bone, aorta and arteria ilica externa tissue samples of 22 transplant donors. Gene expression levels during atheroscleroti...

ea0093oc35 | Oral communication 5: Reproductive Endocrinology | EYES2023

Alteration of adrenal and sex steroid profiles in pregnant women with preeclampsia

Trummer Olivia , Stern Christina , Reintar Sharmaine , Tandl Veronika , Mayer-Pickel Karoline , Cervar-Zivkovic Mila , Fassnacht Martin , Kurlbaum Max , Huppertz Berthold , Fluhr Herbert , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is a serious and complex pregnancy-related condition, characterized by hypertension and endothelial dysfunction, which can potentially damage liver, brain and kidneys, resulting to an increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. We investigated pregnancy-related steroid hormones such as progestogens, estrogens, androgens, and glucocorticoids to assess maternal and fetal development. We aim to compare steroid hormone profiles throughout pregnancy, ...

ea0099p557 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2024

MiRNAs specific for PCOS phenotypes

Trummer Olivia , Hoeller Jonas , Reintar Sharmaine , Tandl Veronika , Foszl Ines , Borzan Valentin , Theiler-Schwetz Verena , Trummer Christian , Lerchbaum Elisabeth , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine condition of unclear origin, characterized by hyperandrogenism (HA), oligo-/amenorrhoea (OM), and polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM). According to the Rotterdam criteria, PCOS phenotypes A-D range from mild to severe and are defined as phenotype A (HA, OM and PCOM), phenotype B (HA, OM), phenotype C (HA, PCOM) and phenotype D (OM, PCOM). Recent discoveries indicate that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a role in the d...

ea0081rc11.7 | Rapid Communications 11: Thyroid 2 | ECE2022

Altered expression profiles of miR-22-5p and miR-142-3p display Hashimoto´s disease and are associated with thyroid antibodies

Trummer Olivia , Foszl Ines , Schweighofer Natascha , Arifi Edi , Haudum Christoph , Reintar Sharmaine , Pilz Stefan , Theiler-Schwetz Verena , Trummer Christian , Zirlik Andreas , Schmidt Albrecht , Colantonio Caterina , Kolesnik Ewald , Verheyen Nicolas , Pieber Thomas , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Background: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT), the most prevalent autoimmune disorder of the thyroid (AITD) is characterized by the presence of circulating autoantibodies, induced by a not fully understood dysregulation of the immune system. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs, which can play a pivotal role in immune functions and the development of autoimmunity. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate whether a panel of nine selected miRNAs differs in ser...

ea0090p77 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

En route to sarcopenia biomarkers: dp-ucMGP in relation to muscle mass and function

Tandl Veronika , Schweighofer Natascha , Trummer Olivia , Haudum Christoph W. , Lind Alice F. , Kolesnik Ewald , Mursic Ines , Scherr Daniel , Zirlik Andreas , Pieber Thomas R. , Verheyen Nicolas D. , Obermayer-Pietsch Barbara

Sarcopenia is characterized by progressive loss of both mass and function of skeletal muscle when ageing. It poses a serious issue for healthcare systems, as it is associated with increased risk of falls, osteoporosis, and mortality. To date, no ideal serum biomarkers for the diagnosis of this complex condition have been identified. Matrix-GLA-protein (MGP), primarily known as a vitamin K dependent calcification inhibitor, is present and active in bone, muscle, and adipose tis...