Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P420

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Neuroendocrinology (107 abstracts)

Sleep quality in patients of a primary health care unit and its relationships with antropometric parametters

Angela Peñalva , Gretel Lichtenstein & Carmen Cadarso

University of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain.

Objective: To study the sleep quality in patients of a primary health care unit and Its relationship with anthropometric parameters as sex, age, BMI and waist circumference.

Participants and methods: One hundred and twenty-two patients arrived spontaneously and correlatively for consultation. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index questionnaire (PQ5I) was used to investigate the patients sleep quality in the last month. The PQ5I explores seven aspects: C1) subjective sleep quality; C2) sleep latency; C3) sleep duration; C4) sleep efficiency; C5) sleep disturbances; C6) use of specific medication; C7) daytime disturbances. The PQ5I provides a score (0-3) of these seven components and a global PQ5I score in a (0-21) scale. A higher score indicates poor sleep quality.

Statistical study: Descriptive statistic, ANOVA and Pearson correlation was used to value the relationship with anthropometric parameters.


Sleep quality: PQ5I global score indicates that 52.1% of the patients are ‘good sleepers’, the others display sleep disturbances in some components. Components: C1) 73% of patients considers that their sleep is good or very good; C2) 17.3% needs more than one hour for sleep onset; C3) the sleep hours average were 6–7 h per night; C4) 68% have a good sleep efficiency; C5) for the 91%, of them present some sleep disturbances; C6) 12% need sleep medication every day; C7) for the 90%, their sleep quality does not entail any diurnal activities dysfunction.

Sleep quality and anthropometric measures: Patients sleep quality deteriorate with age, being more evident in women. Poor sleepers, have greater BMI and waist circumference. The relationship among poor sleep quality, less sleep hours and BMI is more evident in women, whereas this same relationship related to the waist circumference is more important in men.

Conclusions: In our patients poor sleep quality and total sleep hours reduction are associated to higher BMI and waist circumference.

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