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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 ME10

ECE2008 Meet the Expert Sessions (1) (16 abstracts)

How to prevent osteoporosis?

Marek Bolanowski

Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland.

Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease. It represents significant burden due to fractures and costs for the health system and individuals. There are several factors which increase the risk of osteoporosis, genetic, hormonal and environmental influences are the most important. The primary goal of early intervention is to prevent the fractures. This could be carried out by the influence on bone density and quality, normalization of bone turnover, regulation of hormonal disorders and decrease of environmental harmful effects. The latter are smoking, excessive alcohol and caffeine intake and medication influencing either bone metabolism or predisposing to falls. For the attaining optimal peak bone mass, except for the genetic factors, normal-time puberty, nutrition and activity is necessary. Later in women’s life in their reproductive age, regular bleeding and maintenance of normal body mass together with life-style factors are important. Since the majority of osteoporotic fractures follow falls, the falling prevention is of great impact. Among the factors of significant role for the prevention of osteoporosis, the preservation of regular menstrual bleeding, appropriate calcium and vitamin D supplementation and adequate physical activity should be advised. They must be based on the family and individual medical history, presence of risk factors and individually tailored to the subject.

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