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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P205

Virgen Macarena Hospital, Seville, Spain.

Introduction: Currently self-glycemic control by the patient is essential to achieve a right metabolic control of diabetes. Nowadays, there are different systems that have proved useful for this aim.

Objectives: Valuing any possible differences between systems and the relation with glycemia identified in our laboratory.

Material and methods: We took blood samples by vein-puncture to 41 patients, and simultaneously we measured capillary glycemia using 6 different glucometer (A, B, C, D, E and F). We determined the glycemia by the method GOD-PAP (glucose oxidase).

Results: Correlation between glucometer and laboratory test (L):

L-A: 0.980; L-B: 0.979; L-C: 0.986; L-D: 0.973; L-E: 0.977; L-F: 0.89

Capillary glycemia average:

A: 131.9±56; B: 139±61; C: 124.4±64; D: 139±64; E: 127.8±69.6; F: 141.9±66.4.

Blood glycemia average differences between laboratory test and differents glucometers:

L-A: −50.7±43; L-B: −28.37±27.6; L-C: −19.1±35.2; L-D: −62.95±41.57; L-E: −16±20; L-F: −78.56±54.8. All of them had significant difference (P<0001).

Capillary glycemia average differences between several glucometers:

Statistically significant differences were obtained from the following glucometers: A and B: −7.07±11.8 (P<0.001); A and C: 7.55±13.6 (P<0.001); A and D: −7.12±13.23 (P<0.01); B and C: 14.62±11.2 (P<0.001); B and E: 11.2±17 (P<0.001); B and F: 8.74±14.5 (P<0.01); C and D: −14.67±12.37 (P<0.001); C and F: −5.06±13.27 (P<0.05); D and E: 11.25±17 (P<0.001); D and F: 8.74±14.54 (P<0.01).


1. All glucometer had an excellent correlation with blood glycemia obtained in our laboratory (>0.9) but our blood glucose levels were significantly lower.

2. We found significant differences in capillary glycemia values obtained with different glucometers which is important for an estrict metabolic control.

3. Glucometer E gives closer values to our laboratory ones and introduces lower variability.

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