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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P212

Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cadiz, Spain.

Objective: Evaluate the proinflammatory and anti-antinflamatory adipokines in patients with gestational diabetes (GD).

Material and methods: We performed a nested case-control study within a sample of a total of 126 pregnant women between the 24 and 29 weeks. Of the 126 women studied we compared 63 with GD and 63 control pregnant women. Both groups were analyzed for demographic data, perinatal and obstetrics results and the plasma levels of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), Interleukin (IL-6), adiponectin and leptin.

Results: Maternal age studied for the control group was 29.95±5.03 years old and 31.57±4.1 years in patients with GD. Results showed 23% of the control group and 26% in patients with GD presented a history of abortion or macrosomia. The pre-pregnancy BMI was 23.46±3.73 kg/m2 in the control group and 28±3.6 kg/m2 in GD (P=0.0001).

In reference to the perinatal and obstetrics results, the final week of pregnancy was 39.62±1.2 in the control group and 39.02±1.8 in GD. The rate of cesarean delivery was 10% in the control group and 33% in the patients with GD (P=0.0001). The rate of macrosomia was 8% in the control group and 16% in GD (P=0.3).

Levels of TNF-α (P=0.002), leptin (P=0.001) and adiponectin (P=0.04) were statistically significant. In the multivariance analysis the levels of adiponectin (P=0.026) and the pre-pregnancy BMI (0.01) were significantly associated with the dependent variable GD.

Conclusions: Women with GD present a higher probability of developing higher risk markers of cardiovascular disease expressed as a higher pre-pregnancy BMI and descending levels of adiponectin.

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