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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P249

1University Clinical Center of Kosova, Prishtina, Kosova, Albania; 2National Institute of Public Health of Kosova, Prishtina, Kosova, Albania.

Early and late complications of acute myocardial infarction are common at diabetics compared to nondiabetics. The blood sugar level can be one of relevant factors to determine the outcome of patients with acute coronary syndrome.

The aim of our study is to determine the early hospital mortality at diabetics experiencing an acute coronary syndrome.

The data were collected in the coronary care unit of our Institution, for the subgroup of diabetic patients presenting with an acute coronary syndrome as an inclusion criteria. During analyzed period the total number of patients diagnosed as acute myocardial infarction was 465, male/female ratio was 2.72, with the most presented group age of the analyzed 56–65 years old. The early death during first days of hospitalization for an acute coronary syndrome occurred in 56 (12.04%) patients, 12.5% of whom were diabetics.

Diabetes mellitus is not only a risk factor of coronary heart disease but a very important one in determining the occurrence of fatal complications at acute coronary syndromes.

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