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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P579

Isfahan Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan,, Islamic Republic of Iran.

Background: Despite long standing iodine supplementation in Iran the prevalence of goiter remains high in some areas. This may suggest that factors other than iodine deficiency may play a role. In the present we investigated the possible role of thiocyanate (SCN) in the etiology of goiter in Semirom, Iran.

Methods: One thousand and eight hundred and twenty-eight schoolchildren (7–13 year-old) were selected by multi stage random sampling. Thyroid size was estimated in each child by inspection and palpation. Urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and Urinary thiocyanate (USCN) were measured

Urinary SCN and iodine concentration was estimated by the method of Aldridge and digestion method

Results: Overall, 36.7% of 1828 students had goiter. The mean UIC was 19.3±9.1 μg/dl. USCN level was estimated in 130 randomly selected schoolchildren (86 goiterous and 44 nongoiterous). The mean±S.D. USCN level in goiterous and nongoiterous subjects was 0.77±0.80 and 0.64±0.40 respectively (P=0.67). USCN level in goiterous and nongoiterous boys was 0.75±092 mg/dl and 0.72±0.45 mg/dl respectively (P=0.05). USCN level in goiterous and nongoiterous girls was 0.75±0.92 mg/dl and 0.72±0.45 mg/dl respectively (P=0.33).

Conclusion: In the studied population, thiocyanate overload may play a role in high persistence of goiter in boys. In girls it can not explain the still high prevalence of goiter. We suggest the role of other goiterogenic factors should be investigated in this region.

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