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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P621

Clinical Center of Endocrinology, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the semen quality in men with metabolic syndrome/MS/ and healthy controls.

Materials and methods: Semen samples were collected from 35 males (mean age – 27.45±8.00 years). Nineteen of them had the features of the metabolic syndrome according to the IDF definition and 16 were healthy volunteers. The semen samples were analyzed by only one experienced researcher according to the World Health Organization guidelines.

Results: The patients with MS had similar age, ejaculate volume, percentage of spermatozoa with normal morphology, sperm concentration (in million per milliliter), and total sperm count compared to the controls. However, they had higher percentage of non-motile spermatozoa (P=0.032). Men with obesity (BMI≥30) had significantly lower sperm concentration (P=0.03) and total sperm count (0.021) in comparison to normal – or overweight males.

Conclusion: Reduced semen quality could be established in patients with obesity and MS. Further investigations are necessary to clarify the changes in the exocrine testicular function in males with MS and their consequences for the reproduction.

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