ECE2008 Symposia Nodules and more: new aspects of thyroid disorders (4 abstracts)
Department of Endocrinology, Manchester, UK.
The pathophysiology of thyroid nodules is still widely undefined even though recent data from microarray studies hint towards a distinct group of candidate genes. Furthermore, a better understanding of new mechanisms involved in thyroid growth regulation like TGF-β, BMP and wnt signalling may open new avenues for treatment. Recent data derived from animal models of thyroid carcinomas suggest an action of thyroid hormones despite the loss of TSH receptor. Upon confirmation these findings will change our clinical approach for the treatment of benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Conventionally, cold benign nodules and thyroid cancers were treated with thyroid hormones under the idea that TSH suppression will influence tumour growth. The recent findings suggest rather a direct thyroid hormone mediated effect which may lead to a new pathophysiological basis for the treatment of thyroid nodules1.
Brabant G TSH suppressive therapy in thyroid carcinoma: what are the targets? JCEM, in press.