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Endocrine Abstracts (2010) 22 P581

The Center for the Clinical and Scientific Study of Endocrinology, 56, Mirzo Ulugbek Street, Tashkent 100125, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Aim of the research: To study the rate of vascular complications in acromegaly in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Patients and methods: We observed acromegalic patients registered from 2007 to 2009 who are dispensarized in the regions of the country. Of the 369 patients 143 were males (38.7%) and 226 females (61.3%). Mean age of the patients was 42.6 years-old. Duration of the disease varied from 1 to 31 years.

Results: We assessed the rate of ischemic heart disease (IHD), arterial hypertension (AH), brain blood flow failure (BBF), dyscirculation encephalopathy (DE). As the results show, patients with acromegaly have high rate of macrovascular, AH revealed in 65.3% of patients, DE seen in 61.5% of cases whereas IHD and BBF in 23.8 and 45.5% of patients respectively. To reveal the causes of high rate of these complications we divided patients into groups according to the treatment they were receiving. Analysis showed that of the 369 patients 60.4% had a medical therapy with dopamine agonists, 113 patients (30.7%) had a radiotherapy and 33 patients (8.9%) were operated. To assess the relation between the treatment and complications we studied the rate of vascular complications in the groups. Results in the medical treatment group showed 25.5% of IHD, 65.9% of AH, 46.6% of BBF and 62.8% of DE, while in radiotherapy group these numbers were 29.2, 68.1, 49.5 and 65.5% respectively. Operated patients developed IHD in 24.2% of cases, AH in 57.5%, BBF in 39.4% and DE in 60.5%. As the results show, the complications rate in all groups is high, however, in operated patients these numbers are relatively low than in other two groups. The highest vascular complications rate seen in patients after radiotherapy.

Conclusions: Patients with acromegaly has a high rate of macrovascular complications, of which the most common are AH (65.3%) and DE (61.5%). High rate of vascular complications such as IHD (29.2%), AH (68.1%), BBF (49.5%) and DE (65.5%) observed in patients after radiotherapy.

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