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Endocrine Abstracts (2013) 32 P377 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.32.P377

Hospital Universitario Y Politécnico La Fe, Valencia, Spain.

Introduction: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic disease at risk of malnutrition. The aim of the study is to assess nutritional status of patients with CF.

Methods: Descriptive study of CF patients referred for a nutritional evaluation. Data collected included lung function, pancreatic and carbohydrate metabolism (according to ADA’s diagnostic criteria), anthropometric and laboratory parameters. Results are shown as mean (S.D.).

Results: Sixty four patients were studied (56.3% males) with a mean age of 26.8 (7.4) years.100% of them had respiratory involvement and 93.4% exocrine pancreatic disfunction. 29.5% underwent lung transplantation, with a mean age of 22.4 (1.7) years. 50% of patients were diabetic and 21.9%, prediabetic. 37.5% received systemic treatment with corticosteroids. BMI was 19.2 (2.7) kg/m2. The ideal percentage weight was 83.9% (13.3) and weight loss in the last 6 months was 3.6% (5.8). The main causes of weight loss were respiratory infections (55.6%), decreased appetite or early satiety (32.1%), and steatorrhea (14.8%). Vitamin D deficiency was present in 60.9%, vitamin A in 70.6% and vitamin E in 72.5%. Severe malnutrition was diagnosed in 20.4% of patients, moderate in 22.2% and mild in 25.9% of cases. Mixed malnutrition was found in 51.4%, protein in 29.7% and caloric in18, 9%. Diabetes was associated with vitamin D deficiency <30 ng/ml (P=0.01) and lung transplantation (P<0.001). Severe malnutrition is statistically associated with lung transplantation (P=0.01), systemic corticosteroid therapy (P=0.01), and diabetes (P=0.04).

Conclusion: A high prevalence of malnutrition (73%) was found in CF patients. Severe malnutrition was associated with lung transplantation, systemic corticosteroid therapy and diabetes. Pretransplant assessment of nutritional status is important in CF patients. Diabetes was associated with lung transplantation and vitamin D deficiency.

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