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Endocrine Abstracts (2018) 56 P1111 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.56.P1111

Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Split and Split University School of Medicine, Split, Croatia.

The occurence of multiple squamous cells in thyroid fine needle aspirate is rare.

Aim: We report a case of multiple squamous cells in thyroid aspiration specimen in a patient with chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.

Case report: A 56-year-old woman has been observed for several years because of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. She was on levothyroxine supstitution therapy. Six years ago ultrasonography revealed inhomogeneous thyroid, predominantly hypoechogenic with hypoechogenic nodule, measuring 15 mm in diameter, in the right lobe close to isthmus. The FNAC of that nodule revealed chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. Four months ago we performed control ultrasonography: hypoechogenic, cystic nodule in the right lobe close to isthmus measured 8×9×8 mm. A sonographically guided fine-needle aspiration yielded 1 ml of yellowish material and cytological analysis revealed multiple squamous cells, colloid, macrophages single and in clusters.

Conclusion: Our opinion is that multiple squamous cells in this case originated from metaplasia and degeneration, because fine needle aspiration 6 years ago of the same nodule revealed only chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.

Volume 56

20th European Congress of Endocrinology

Barcelona, Spain
19 May 2018 - 22 May 2018

European Society of Endocrinology 

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