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Endocrine Abstracts (2018) 56 GP11 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.56.GP11

ECE2018 Guided Posters Acromegaly (11 abstracts)

Observational, multicentre study to evaluate the effectiveness in routine clinical practice of Lanreotide Autogel 120 mg at extended dosing intervals (>4 weeks) for the treatment of acromegaly: SOMACROL study

Cristina Álvarez Escolá 1 , Carmen Fajardo 2 , Mónica Marazuela 3 , Fernando Cordido Carballido 4 , Eva María Venegas 5 , Pedro de Pablos Velasco 6 , Gonzalo Piedrola Maroto 7 , Ma del Pilar Olvera Márquez 8 , Isabel Pavón de Paz 1 , Davide Carvalho 9 , Carme Romero 10 , Guillermo De la Cruz 11 & Ignacio Bernabéu 12

1Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain; 2Hospital Universitario de La Ribera, Valencia, Spain; 3Hospital Universitario La Princesa, Madrid, Spain; 4Hospital Universitario A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain; 5Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla, Spain; 6Private Consultation, Las Palmas, Spain; 7Private Consultation, Granada, Spain; 8Hospital Universitario De Candelaria, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain; 9Centro Hospitalar São João, Porto, Portugal; 10Adknoma Health Research S.L., Barcelona, Spain; 11IPSEN PHARMA, Barcelona, Spain; 12Hospital Clínico Universitario Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Background: Acromegaly is usually caused by a benign pituitary tumour, with increased production of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Treatment options include surgery, followed by pharmacological treatment with dopamine agonists, somatostatin analogues, GH receptor antagonists or radiotherapy. Treatment optimization is important to decrease the burden of this often-chronic disease on the patient.

Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness in IGF-1 control of Lanreotide Autogel (LAN) 120 mg at extended dosing intervals (EDIs) (>4 weeks) in patients with acromegaly in routine clinical practice.

Methods: Observational, retrospective study at 38 sites (36 Spanish, 2 Portuguese) (NCT02807233). Targeted enrolment was 100 adult patients diagnosed with acromegaly, receiving LAN 120 mg at EDIs for ≥6 months, with available data on treatment start/schedule and blood GH and IGF-1 assay immediately before study visit, and no radiation therapy in the 6 months preceding. The primary outcome was the percentage of patients with normalized IGF-1 level after at least 6 months of LAN treatment at prolonged doses. Secondary outcomes included percentages of patients with GH levels ≤2.5 ng/ml or ≤1 ng/ml, and treated with EDIs of 5, 6, 7 or 8 weeks. Treatment satisfaction, quality of life (QoL) and treatment compliance were assessed.

Results: Of 114 patients included, 109 were evaluable. Mean (±S.D.) age was 59.1 (±13.2) years. 69.7% had tumour resection performed on average 12.8 (±9.4) years ago. 25.7% received radiotherapy on average 17.9 (±9.4) years ago. 83.5% had comorbidities, with hypertension the most common (64.4%). 77.1% had concomitant medication for conditions besides acromegaly. LAN had been the first-line pharmacological treatment for 67.0% of the patients. 91.7% had normalized IGF-1 values. 80.6% had GH levels ≤2.5 ng/ml, and 58.3% had levels ≤1 ng/ml. The EDIs most commonly used in routine clinical practice were 8 weeks (35.8%) and 6 weeks (37.6%). AcroQoL questionnaire showed that patients had a medium level of physical [59.7 (±24.5)] and psychological [64.9 (±20.1)] QoL. TQ10M-9 questionnaire revealed that patients were satisfied with treatment [75.1 (±16.6)], and considered it effective [70.6 (±18.7)] and convenient [69.1 (±17.6)]. General therapeutic compliance during preceding 6 months was 94.5%.

Conclusions: LAN 120 mg at EDIs (>4 weeks) during at least 6 months provided IGF-1 control in more than 90% of patients with acromegaly, with good levels of treatment satisfaction and compliance.

Acknowledgments: Sponsored by Ipsen.

Volume 56

20th European Congress of Endocrinology

Barcelona, Spain
19 May 2018 - 22 May 2018

European Society of Endocrinology 

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