Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
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21st European Congress of Endocrinology

Lyon, France
18 May 2019 - 21 May 2019

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18-21 May 2019, Lyon, France


Personalised medicine in diabetes and obesity (Endorsed by the European Journal of Endocrinology)

ea0063s30.1 | Personalised medicine in diabetes and obesity (Endorsed by the European Journal of Endocrinology) | ECE2019

Mechanisms for Cardiovascular Complications of Diabetes – Implications for Personalized Therapy

Abel E Dale

Cardiovascular disease is the major complication of diabetes that drives mortality and morbidity. Individuals with type 2 Diabetes have a 2-fold increased risk of major cardiovascular events (death, myocardial ischemia and stroke). There is also a 2–4-fold increased risk of heart failure, via mechanisms that are partially independent of underlying coronary disease and myocardial ischemia. Diabetes increases cardiovascular disease via multiple mechanisms including accelera...

ea0063s30.2 | Personalised medicine in diabetes and obesity (Endorsed by the European Journal of Endocrinology) | ECE2019

New avenues for novel drugs to treat obesity

Wilding John

Obesity is a chronic disease with significant adverse implications for health. Guidelines recommend first line treatment with lifestyle interventions that include restriction of energy intake, increased physical activity and behavioural modification, but these only reduce body weight by 3–5% initial over 12 months, and weight regain is common. Bariatric surgery is effective, but most suitable for people with more severe obesity or with significant complications such as di...