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Endocrine Abstracts (2019) 63 P1029 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.63.P1029

ECE2019 Poster Presentations Interdisciplinary Endocrinology 2 (37 abstracts)

It is a link between thyroid function and our empathy in relation to animals ?

Kinga Chojecka 1 & Krzysztof Marczewski 1,

1Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology Pope John Paul II Regional Hospital, Zamość, Poland; 2Faculty of Human Sciences Lublin University of Economy and Innovaions, Lublin, Poland.

Introduction: Animals have long been considered the best friends of man, but as it turns out, the degree of empathy towards them is ontogenic variable. So far there have been studies showing the influence of mutations in the oxytocin gene on our level of empathy.

Method: It was decided to check if hormonal factors have the influence on our relations with animals. For this purpose, patients treated in our department of endocrinology were examined. The study included 162 people aged 18+, both women and men. 54 people were treated due to hypothyroidism, 33 due to hyperthyroidism, 14 due to non-toxic goiter, 33 patients were treated due to other diseases and the rest had several endocrine diseases diagnosed simultaneously. In order to increase the reliability of the study, the last two groups of patients were omitted in further analysis. The study took the form of a short questionnaire in which patients assessed their relationship with animals, the amount of time spent on them during the day, etc.

Results: The most frequent owners of pets were patients with hypothyroidism (70% of patients), slightly less frequently persons with hyperthyroidism (64% of patients), and the least frequently persons with non-toxic goiter (57% of patients). Patients with hypothyroidism (64% very good, 29% good, 7% neutral, 0% bad, 0% very bad) rated their relations with animals the best. Indirect results were obtained from patients with non-toxic goitre, as 60% of patients rated their relationship with animals as very good, 28% as good, 6% as neutral, 6% as bad and 0% as very bad. Patients with hyperthyroidism turned out to be the least empathic, as only 57% of them rated their relations with animals as very good, 25% as good, 15% as neutral, 3% as bad and 0% as very bad. The survey results also showed that patients with hypothyroidism who have pets devote more time to them compared to patients with hyperthyroidism.

Conclusion: The hormonal factors, especially thyroid hormones, can play an certain role in our relationships with animals, the excess of which correlates with a worse attitude towards our pets.

Volume 63

21st European Congress of Endocrinology

Lyon, France
18 May 2019 - 21 May 2019

European Society of Endocrinology 

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