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Endocrine Abstracts (2024) 99 P212 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.99.P212

ECE2024 Poster Presentations Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition (130 abstracts)

NGO project on status report on pediatric diabetes in developing countries

S Pal 1 & T Roy 1

1SFCCP NGO, Med, meerut, India

Issues: In developing nations diagnosis of diabetes brings mental-trauma/depression in family. Focused treatment for pediatric age-group is unavailable in developing-countries. 26% of diagnosed diabetics are children’s. Adequately trained physicians/Nurses in issues of pediatric-diabetes provide continuity of care, relief from depression and smooth transition from diagnosis to treatment. Qualitative collaborative relationship between these makes diabetics life bearable. Our NGO-project highlights significance of relationship between nurses and diabetic-children in community clinic setup of rural India. For Diabetes, its assumed that depression is inevitable sequel to diagnosis. Retrospective analysis of past studies shows—counselling improves QOL & attitude towards diabetes-treatment.

Aims: To describe care issues in diabetic-children’s. Observe/modify nature of relationship between nurse and child. To evolve comprehensive treatment plan for patients and families.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of data base from 7 rural health-clinics. Specialized therapy/support to pediatric-age-group not available at any centre. Total 117 children’s [4-13 years] diagnosed with diabetes. 23 had additional endocrine/metabolic problems. Nursing/medical care plan analyzed. No specialized trained personal in rural/tribal India. Opinion/needs from patients families collected on feedback questionnaire. Then we trained 10 nurses & 2 physicians for handling pediatric cases [4 weeks training].

Results: out of 117, 41 discontinued Rx due to improper counseling/guidance. 3 died. Patient/family’s feedback highlights: Better access to newer drugs-delivery-systems, psychosocial support, follow-up-plan. Nurses/physician be sensitized in pediatric care-issues. Main issues of concern were: [1] illness and coping with their feelings. [2] Initial impact of diagnosis and a search for solution? Expectations for future life & its quality? [3] Concerns of cost of RX [4] Availability of proper follow-up centers in rural areas of developing nations.

Conclusion: Multifaceted Relationship between physician/nurse and Diabetics children’s is crucial. This relationship provides better continuity of treatment. We show concerns/difficulties while working in Asian set-up to experts/seniors at ECE congress

Volume 99

26th European Congress of Endocrinology

Stockholm, Sweden
11 May 2024 - 14 May 2024

European Society of Endocrinology 

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