Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090p60 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

Diabetes and associated risk factors for cardiovascular mortality in Cuba: prospective study of 146,556 participants

Iglesias Ileydis , Barbara Armas Rojas Nurys , Lewington Sarah , Lacey Ben , Peto Richard , Burret Julie , Diaz Diaz Oscar

Background: Cardiovascular disease accounts for about one-third of all premature deaths (ie, age <70) in Cuba. Yet, the relevance of major risk factors, including diabetes, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and body-mass index (BMI), to cardiovascular mortality in this population remains unclear.Methods: In 1996–2002, 146,556 adults were recruited from the general population in five areas of Cuba. Participants were interviewed, measured (height, we...

ea0027p51 | (1) | BSPED2011

Continuing variation in DKA guidelines despite national guidelines

Messazos Betty , Payne Susan , Ackland Frances , McAuley Antoinette , Hind Ed , Burren Christine , Edge Julie

Since the introduction of national BSPED DKA guidelines we wondered whether the previous variability in DKA guidelines would be abolished.Aim: To explore the variability of guidelines in three regional diabetes networks in South West (SW) and South Central England and to compare them to the current BSPED guidelines.Methods: Within an audit of in-patient care, a copy of the DKA guidelines was requested from 27 services. General layo...

ea0095p122 | Gonadal, DSD and Reproduction 2 | BSPED2023

Characterisation of children and young people (CYP) presenting with differences in sex development (DSD) beyond the neonatal period: A single centre retrospective observational study

Shirodkar Diksha , Baioumi Alaa , Giri Dinesh , Candler Toby , Burren Christine , Hamblin Rachel , Alderson Julie , Crowne Elizabeth

Introduction: DSD includes variations in the development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex and can be subdivided into (XY DSD, XX DSD, and sex chromosomal DSD). Most presentations occur in the neonatal period with atypical genitalia or discordant phenotype and antenatal genotype, but later presentations occur raising complex diagnostic and clinical management issues.Objective: To characterise the etiological, cl...

ea0066cme1.2 | Session 1 | BSPED2019

Talking to children about sex development

Alderson Julie

Talking to children about sex development has never been easy and for professionals or for parents. The spectre of the Optimal Sex of Rearing theory from the 50s and 60’s an awareness of gender fluidity with the range of possible futures for each child we see can silence us. If we don’t let a child know about the surprises their body has in store for them what difficulties do we store up for them? Standard advice for talking to children is to communicate in a develop...

ea0037s7.1 | Novel mechanisms of central weight regulation | ECE2015

Nutritional regulation of hypothalamic inflammation

Chowen Julie A

Hypothalamic inflammation has been the focus of an increasing number of studies in recent years as it is thought to underlie the pathogenesis of obesity-associated insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. These studies have also highlighted the role of glial cells in metabolic control, due to the fact that both microglia and astrocytes are involved in central inflammatory processes. High fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity has been the most commonly used model for the analysis of th...

ea0028n1.3 | Thyroid eye disease | SFEBES2012

My thyroid eye disease journey

McLaren Julie

At 39 I was diagnosed with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) and commenced on Prednisolone by my Endocrinology team. There followed 18 months under my local Eye Hospital. I was started on Azathioprine. The Prednisolone was then gradually decreased to nil and then the Azathioprine decreased to nil. Now that my TED was inactive I transferred to Moorfields Eye Hospital (MEH). In 1 year I had bilateral lateral wall decompressions, bilateral upper lid surgery & bilateral lower lid surg...

ea0023s6 | (1) | BSPED2009

Insulin therapy at school

Edge Julie

Diabetes control is poor in children in the UK with fewer than 20% of children achieving target HbAlc levels. Multiple injection therapy and insulin pumps produce the most physiological blood glucose control but both require the child to have blood glucose testing and insulin dosing at each meal and most snacks, and therefore at school. There are often huge obstacles to setting appropriate support in place in schools, particularly in children who are too young to perform their...

ea0013s63 | Thyroid cancer – more than a lump in the neck | SFEBES2007

The thyroid cancer patient journey and the role of the clinical nurse specialist

Hewett Julie

Introduction: Thyroid carcinomas are uncommon, accounting for approximately 1% of all new malignant disease. They include a wide range of disease types, of these 65% of thyroid cancers are papillary with a peak incidence in the 30–40 year age group and women are 2–3 times more frequently affected than men. Follicular cancer accounts for 30%, which occurs mainly in the 50+ age group. Another 4% are medullary thyroid carcinoma which occurs equally in men and women. Ana...

ea0056s30.3 | Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) | ECE2018

Brain structure and function in gender dysphoria

Bakker Julie

The concept of gender identity is uniquely human. Hence we are left with the phenomenon of men and women suffering from Gender Dysphoria (GD) also known as transsexualism to study the origins of gender identity in humans. It has been hypothesized that atypical levels of sex steroids during a perinatal critical period of neuronal sexual differentiation may be involved in the development of GD. In order to test this hypothesis, we investigated brain structure and function in ind...

ea0073s19.1 | Symposium 19: Emerging concerns in reproduction | ECE2021

Influence of the pre- and post-natal environment upon metabolic physiology of the offspring

Chowen Julie A.

Our health and wellbeing are influenced by numerous factors, including our early developmental hormonal and nutritional environments. Indeed, modifications of hormones and nutrition during specific developmental periods can have long-lasting effects on fundamental functions such as metabolism and reproduction, with these long-term changes often being sex dependent. Moreover, modifications in one neuroendocrine system can have an important impact on other neuroendocrine axes, a...