Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0056p321 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ECE2018

Effect of hemoglobin J variant on HbA1c values as measured by HPLC (high-perfomance liquid chromatography)

Ares Blanco Jessica , Bernardo Gutierrez Angel , Martin-Nieto Alicia , Gonzalez-Martinez Silvia , Delgado-Alvarez Elias , Menendez-Torre Edelmiro

Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is used for the long-term management of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Hemoglobin variants other than HbA1c and e-N-lysine-glycated HbA0 may cause analytical interference in determinations of HbA1c. Hemoglobin J is an abnormal hemoglobin, an alpha globin gene variant and present in various geographic locations. Hemoglobin J (depending on its type) has different characteristics and functions. For example hemoglobin J Capetown (α2 92Gln β2...

ea0090p761 | Thyroid | ECE2023

J – 131 therapy of autonomously functioning thyroid adenoma: the outcome of our 20 – years experience

Petrovski Zlatko

Objective: To investigate the results of J – 131 treatments in patients (pts) with autonomous thyroid adenomas in long period of follow up.Material and Methods: We enrolled 68 consecutive pts with Plummer’s disease (50 females, 18 males, mean age 54,7 yrs, range 21 – 79 yrs) for period 2000 – 2020 yrs. 87%(59/68) pts had a unifocal nodule, while 13% (9/68) pts had multifocal toxic autonomous nodules. Pts stopped antithyroid drugs for ...

ea0029p1356 | Pituitary Basic | ICEECE2012

Somatostatine receptors expression in various pathological types of clinically non-functioning pituitary adenomas

Gabalec F. , Drastikova M. , Beranek M. , Netuka D. , Masopust V. , Cesak T. , Marek J. , Cap J.

Clinically non-functioning pituitary adenomas account for about one-third of pituitary tumors. The majority of them are pathologically classified as gonadotropinomas or null-cell adenomas without hormonal expression. The rest represent silent corticotroph adenomas and plurihormonal tumors. Conservative therapy with dopamine agonists and somatostatine analogues is effective in some cases only depending on the expression of somatostatine (SSTR) and dopamine 2 receptors (D2R).</p...

ea0029p1491 | Pituitary Clinical | ICEECE2012

Hypothalamo-pituitary dysfunction in patients with chronic subdural hematoma

Kosak M , Masopust V , Netuka D , Lacinova Z , Krsek M , Marek J , Pecen L , Hana V

Introduction: Hypothalamo-pituitary dysfunction has been reported in patients after traumatic brain injury or subarachnoid hemorrhage with relatively high frequency according to published studies. Assessment of hypothalamo– pituitary functions in patients with chronic subdural hematomas has not been published yet, although dysfunction of hypothalamo- pituitary unit could be expected (head trauma, compression and oedema of the brain, shifting of the midline structures).</p...

ea0004p43 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFE2002

Hyperleptinemia and cardiovascular diseases

Sieminska L , Kajdaniuk D , Kos-Kudla B , Marek B , Nowak M , Szelag-Glogowska J

Hyperleptinemia is associated with such risk factors for cardiovascular disease as insulin resistance, obesity and hypertension. Recently, it has been identified that leptin has prothrombotic properties and increases the accumulation of oxidant radicals in endothelial cells. It is hypothesized that leptin may be also one of the mediators promoting atherosclerosis.The objectives of the work were to:determine whether there are any co...

ea0004p46 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFE2002

Glucose intolerance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Sieminska L , Kos-Kudla B , Marek B , Kajdaniuk D , Foltyn W , Strzelczyk J , Staszewicz P

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age and is characterized by hyperandrogenism and menstrual disturbances. It is known that insulin resistance is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome and with obesity.The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of glucose intolerance and diabetes in women with PCOS and to examine the role of body mass index in the development of this complications...

ea0025pl3biog | Society for Endocrinology Transatlantic Medal Lecture | SFEBES2011

Society for Endocrinology Transatlantic Medal Lecture

Kopchick J J

J J Kopchick, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA. AbstractDr John J Kopchick is an internationally recognized leader in the growth hormone (GH) field. Since 1987, he has held the Milton and Lawrence H Goll Eminent Scholar Professorship in Molecular and Cellular Biology and directs the Growth/Obesity/Diabetes Section of the Edison Biotechnology Institute at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. He also is Professor in the B...

ea0090mte10 | Advantages and disadvantages of surgery, radioactive iodine, and long-term anti-thyroid drug therapy for Graves' hyperthyroidism | ECE2023

Advantages and disadvantages of surgery, radioactive iodine, and long-term anti-thyroid drug therapy for Graves’ hyperthyroidism

Ruchala Marek

Graves’ disease (GD) is an autoimmune thyroid disorder being the most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism in iodine-sufficient countries. There are three main ways to treat GD: pharmacotherapy, radioiodine treatment (RAI) and thyroidectomy. During the lecture certain advantages and disadvantages of those three methods will be discussed. Advantages of anti-thyroid drugs (ATDs) include their immunosuppressive action and outpatient therapy. Disadvantages are higher relapse rat...

ea0049s8.3 | Predictors of therapeutic response in functioning pituitary tumours | ECE2017

Predictors of therapeutic response in functioning pituitary tumours

Bolanowski Marek

Therapeutic response for medical therapy in hormonally functioning pituitary tumours is different in various types of tumours. While majority of prolactinomas respond well for medical therapy using dopamine agonists, in other tumours like somatotropinoma or corticotropinoma their response is significantly lower. In some case therapy resistance can occur. There are various factors determining the efficacy of medical therapy in patients harboring functioning pituitary adenomas. ...

ea0035s10.2 | Difficulties in the treatment of Graves orbitopathy | ECE2014

Radiotherapy in Graves’ orbitopathy: current status

Ruchala Marek

Treatment of Graves’ orbitopathy (GO) remains a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for clinicians all over the world. The elimination of risk factors, like encouraging smoking cessation, achieving euthyroidism and local measures usage are the most important and usually sufficient treatment methods in most mild cases. A course of selenium may also be beneficial. High-dose i.v. glucocorticosteroids remain the first-line therapy in moderate-to-severe orbitopathy, however i...