Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0078p21 | Diabetes | BSPED2021

A single-centre evaluation of telemedicine consultation and associated CO2 emissions for children and young people with diabetes

Andrews Edward , Catton Tim , Odeleye Esther , Kumaran Anitha , Trevelyan Nicola

Background: Telemedicine use has increased rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemic, replacing many face-to-face (FTF) consultations. FTF consultations are associated with increased CO2 emissions (CO2em) from travel to clinics. This study evaluates the triple bottom line of children and young people’s (CYP) and parent or guardian experience of a new telemedicine service, estimated CO2em saving from reduced travel and cost saving to families.Methods: Dat...

ea0066in1.1 | (1) | BSPED2019

Cheetham Tim

Tim Cheetham is a University Reader and Honorary Consultant Paediatrician based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, UK. He was appointed in 1996 following paediatric / endocrine / diabetes training in Oxford and Cambridge – and following 6 months as a neonatal consultant at Addenbrooke’s. He has a broad range of interests and has a key role in a number of clinical trials and studies in the field of clinical endocrinology including Graves’ disease, longer term outco...

ea0077ecs1.2 | Broadening your Career Pathway - What else can you do with your skills? | SFEBES2021

Research Facilitation or Management

Giles Tim

There are many opportunities for those who pursue a career in science. This can include a direct route through academia and ultimately becoming a professor and leading your own research group. However, very few people go all the way through with this and therefore it is important to consider other options. Further career paths could include working in industry, government or in a research support setting amongst others. A career in research support is a rewarding one, often be...

ea0051cme4 | CME Training Day Abstracts | BSPED2017

Thyrotoxicosis – diagnosis and management

Cheetham Tim

Key discussion points• Make sure you know what it is that you are treating – is this Graves’ hyperthyroidism (with associated TSH receptor antibodies) or simply a brief, hyperthyroid phase of autoimmune thyroid disease (without TSH receptor antibodies) that will settle down spontaneously?• Ideally obtain the result of the thyroid receptor antibody titre pre intervention with carbimazole.&#...

ea0085dmd1.3 | Diabetes Symposium 4 | BSPED2022

Developing an early stage treatment for diabetic retinopathy

Curtis Tim

Diabetic retinopathy is a serious complication of diabetes that can lead to vision loss and blindness. With the prevalence of diabetes rising in children, the number of young people at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy is expected to increase in the coming years. Current treatments for diabetic retinopathy only target the end-stages of the disease when significant retinal damage has already occurred. Thus, there remains an unmet medical need for new treatments, particula...

ea0085dmd1.3 | Diabetes Symposium 5 | BSPED2022

Developing an early stage treatment for diabetic retinopathy

Curtis Tim

Diabetic retinopathy is a serious complication of diabetes that can lead to vision loss and blindness. With the prevalence of diabetes rising in children, the number of young people at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy is expected to increase in the coming years. Current treatments for diabetic retinopathy only target the end-stages of the disease when significant retinal damage has already occurred. Thus, there remains an unmet medical need for new treatments, particula...

ea0086cmw1.3 | Endocrine disease in pregnancy: pitfalls in testing and challenges in management; before, during and after | SFEBES2022


Korevaar Tim

In this presentation I will discuss various aspects of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. First of all, I will discuss that the epidemiology points towards a physiological underlying cause but I will also exhibit the differential diagnoses that should be addressed. Second, I will discuss preconception and gestational management of Graves’ disease, specifically focusing on new concepts regarding antithyroid drug choice, cessation and options in case of antithyroid drug fai...

ea0049s4.3 | 2nd Joint Global Symposium on Obesity - The Many Dimensions of the Childhood Obesity Problem | ECE2017

Can we prevent childhood obesity?

Lobstein Tim

Childhood obesity prevalence continues at a high level in most developed economies and is rising strongly in emerging middle-income countries. This rise in prevalence shows strong links to the exposure of populations to mass-marketed foods and beverages and the use of motorised transport. In Europe the prevalence tends to be higher, and rising faster, among children from lower-income households. The prevention of obesity is essential but clearly we are not doing very well &#15...

ea0049s5.1 | Turn your face to the sunshine | ECE2017

Effects of maternal thyroid function on infant neurodevelopment

Korevaar Tim

In this talk I aim to provide a helicopter view of clinical studies on maternal thyroid function and child neurodevelopment and use this to pinpoint out how different viewpoints on the results can help to interpret the clinical relevance of the currently available data and provide handles to make personal but informed clinical decisions. It is well-established that thyroid hormone plays an important role during early stages of fetal brain development. Thyroid hormone-dependent...