Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0013p155 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2007

Sodium valproate monotherapy increases ovarian hyperandrogenism but does not affect arterial compliance in young women with epilepsy

Rice Sam , Agarwal Neera , Bolusani Hemanth , Scanlon Maurice , Pierri Melissa , Smith Phil , Rees Aled

Background: Women with epilepsy may be at risk of developing PCOS, but it is unclear whether this is due to the disease or sodium valproate (VPA) therapy. We sought to determine androgenic status and cardiometabolic risk in women taking VPA monotherapy and compared these with subjects taking lamotrigine and healthy controls.Methods: Patients with epilepsy (age 18–43) with no known vascular risk were divided into 3 groups: VPA monotherapy (n=1...

ea0013p233 | Neuroendocrinology and behaviour (including pituitary) | SFEBES2007

Co-cultures of pituitary lactotrophs and folliculostellate cells stimulates connexin 43 expression: a novel role for the nucleoside adenosine

Lewis Barbara , Francis Karen , Pexa Annette , Deussen Andreas , Scanlon Maurice , Rees Daffyd , Ham Jack

Folliculostellate (FS) cells within the anterior pituitary gland produce cytokines and growth factors which are regulated by molecules produced by neighbouring endocrine cells. There are many factors that could potentially be responsible for this intercellular communication that is mediated via connexins (Cx) and gap-junctions. We thus investigated the effect of co-culturing lactotrophs (MMQ) and FS cells (TtT/GF) on Cx43 expression. Our in vitro model system consists o...

ea0011oc7 | Signal transduction OC1 Novartis Oncology Young Investigator Award | ECE2006

The effect of bone marrow stem cell (BMSC) differentiation on growth hormone receptor (GHR)-associated signalling pathways

Lewis MD , Easter TE , Elford C , Ludgate ME , Evans BAJ , Rees DA , Scanlon MF

GH has diverse direct effects including the induction of lipolysis in adipocytes and mineralisation in bone. Interestingly, pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells can be isolated and cultured from adult bone marrow and induced to differentiate in vitro to both adipocytes and osteoblasts. GHR activation can be coupled to JAK2/STAT5 and the ERK (MAPK) pathway. We have therefore studied the evolution of GHR-associated cell signalling in adult rat BMSC’s during differentia...

ea0011p601 | Neuroendocrinology and behaviour | ECE2006

Adenosine stimulates connexin 43 expression and increases intercellular communication in the folliculostellate cells of the anterior pituitary gland

Lewis BM , Francis K , Pexa A , Deussen A , Scanlon MF , Rees DA , Ham J

We previously showed that adenosine stimulates IL-6 secretion from TtT/GF cells suggesting that adenosine is an important regulator of folliculostellate (FS) cell function. Gap-junction communication is also important for FS cell function so the aim of this study was to investigate the action of adenosine on connexin 43 (Cx 43) expression and intercellular communication.Adenosine production, as measured by reverse-phase fluorescent HPLC, was easily detec...

ea0009oc21 | Oral Communication 3: Neuroendocrinology | BES2005

Adenosine expression and function in the anterior pituitary gland

Francis K , Pexa A , Lewis B , McNicol A , Jasani B , Deussen A , Scanlon M , Rees D , Ham J

The nucleoside adenosine is an important regulator of interleukin-6 secretion from the folliculostellate (FS) cells of the anterior pituitary gland but the source of adenosine in this scenario is unknown. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate secretion of adenosine and the expression of adenosine forming and metabolising enzymes in the pituitary gland.Ecto-5/-nucleotidase (CD73), adenosine kinase and adenosine deaminase (AD) were ...

ea0009p195 | Clinical | BES2005

Phaeochromocytoma in pregnancy: medical or surgical management?

Rees D , Agarwal N , Gibby O , Scott-Coombes D , Davies J , Scanlon M

A 22 year old lady, in her third pregnancy, presented at 35 weeks gestation with modest hypertension (BP 130/90). She was known to carry a high risk mutation for Von Hippel Lindau syndrome with no prior disease manifestations. Urinary catecholamine levels were normal at 18 weeks gestation and she remained asymptomatic throughout her pregnancy. Repeat measurement at 35 weeks demonstrated elevated noradrenaline and normetadrenaline values (1761 nmol/24h and 9.69 micromol/24h res...

ea0007p114 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | BES2004

Long-term remission following withdrawal of dopamine agonist therapy in subjects with microprolactinomas

Biswas M , Smith J , Jadon D , McEwan P , Rees D , Evans L , Scanlon M , Davies J

Microprolactinomas are the commonest pituitary tumour and respond well to dopamine agonist (DA) therapy with resolution of symptoms and tumour shrinkage occurring in the vast majority of cases. Reports also suggest that up to 20% of cases may achieve long-term normoprolactinaemic remission following withdrawal of chronic dopamine agonist therapy yet interruption of therapy is not universally practised nor is there consensus on the duration of therapy. In this retrospective stu...

ea0007p269 | Clinical case reports | BES2004

Primary and secondary hypogonadism in systemic sarcoidosis: indications for corticosteroid therapy

Rees D , Mukherjee S , Dodds A , Rathbone N , Lane H , Peters J , Davies J , Scanlon M

We present two patients with unusual manifestations of sarcoidosis and review gonadal involvement in this rare but important disease. A 27 year old man presented to the Ophthalmologists at our hospital with a red eye. He was diagnosed with anterior uveitis and commenced on topical corticosteroids. Following discovery of a testicular mass, he underwent testicular ultrasonography which demonstrated bilateral hyperechoic lesions. Histological examination of an open surgical biops...

ea0005oc27 | Brain and Behaviour | BES2003

Adenosine-induced IL-6 expression in pituitary folliculostellate cells is mediated via A2b adenosine receptors coupled to p38 MAPK

Rees D , Lewis B , Lewis M , Francis K , Easter T , Scanlon M , Ham J

Folliculostellate (FS) cells form a three-dimensional network within the anterior pituitary gland and play a key role in regulating the endocrine response to inflammation and anoxic stress. Adenosine, released under such conditions in high concentration, modulates a number of inflammatory processes and can regulate the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The identities of the adenosine receptor (AR) subtypes mediating these responses, however, and the si...