Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0041gp3 | Adrenal | ECE2016

Follow-up of adrenal incidentalomas – are we overdoing it? Follow-up of 145 patients from a single centre

Austin Emily , Miller Ben , Shepherd Lisa , Bates Andrew

Background: Current practice of monitoring adrenal incidentalomas with biochemical follow-up and repeat imaging studies is under review by the ESE.Following an audit presented in 2015, we proposed that this extensive follow-up was unnecessary in radiologically benign lesions, as neither functional nor malignant lesions were present in this subgroup.Methods: A retrospective review of the same cohort of 145 patients with adrenal inci...

ea0041ep383 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ECE2016

Hypertriglyceridemia induced pancreatitis

Shrikrishna Natasha , Wong Stephen , Maw Andrew , Tahir Mohammed , Choudry Haimoud

Introduction: Hypertriglyceridemia is rare but associated cause of pancreatitis and accounts for 10% of cases. Hypertriglyceridemia induced pancreatitis may occur secondary to causes such as diabetes, pregnancy, hypothyroidism and obesity. Management of hypertriglyceridemia includes a change in dietary intake as well as lipid lowering agents, fenofibrates, statins and omega 3 fatty acids. To reduce the triglycerides acutely, intravenous heparin and insulin have been used. In t...

ea0041ep993 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2016

Effectiveness of radiofrequency ablation of the autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules

Solovov Viacheslav , Vozdvizhenskiy Michael , Orlov Andrew , Makhonin Alexander

Introduction: The usual treatment for autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules was surgery until the advent of new techniques such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA). This study aimed at estimating RFA efficacy of autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules.Material and Methods: The analysis included the results of treatment of 108 patients with autonomously functioning benign tumors of the thyroid gland, received in the Samara Oncology Center. ...

ea0059p044 | Bone and calcium | SFEBES2018

Prevalence and risk factors of low vitamin D in Kano, Northwestern Nigeria

Muhammad Fakhraddeen , Uloko Andrew , Gezawa Ibrahim , Enikuomehin Adenike

Introduction: The role of Vitamin D in bone formation and cardiovascular health could not be overemphasized. Sunlight is one of the principal sources of this vitamin/hormone. However, it’s deficiency has been observed in sunlight affluent areas. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of low vitamin D among adults in the tropics (Kano).Methods: The study was a community-based cross-sectional descriptive study. The...

ea0059ep15 | Adrenal and steroids | SFEBES2018

Intermittent primary aldosteronism – another hurdle in the Conn’s story?

Senanayake Russell , Bashari Waiel , Powlson Andrew , Gurnell Mark

Background: Primary aldosteronism (PA) accounts for 5–10% of all patients with hypertension, and an even greater proportion of those with refractory hypertension. Accurate assessment of PA is important both for rationalisation of medical therapy and to identify those patients with unilateral disease who may benefit from surgery. Single timepoint testing may miss patients with intermittent (‘cyclical/periodic’) disease, a phenomenon seen in other endocrine hypers...

ea0059ep22 | Bone and calcium | SFEBES2018

Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (FGF23) is a useful biomarker in the investigation of incidental hypophosphataemia

Connelly Paul , Galloway Iona , Gallacher Stephen , Gallagher Andrew

A 77 year old female was referred to endocrinology with an incidental finding of hypophosphataemia (0.26 mmol/l) on routine bloods. She described a slight unsteadiness on her feet, but denied bone pain or overt muscle weakness. Past medical history included Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, a left humeral fragility fracture and the subsequent diagnosis of osteoporosis 2 years previously. At presentation the corrected calcium was slightly elevated (2.64 mmol/l), which normalised when r...

ea0059ep34 | Bone and calcium | SFEBES2018

An atypicalpresentation of primary hyperparathyroidism

Colley Jack , Southgate Jeremy , Pope Andrew , Skene Anthony , Richardson Tristan

A 46 year old female presented to orthopaedics with a painful swelling at the base of the middle finger, which was gradually increasing in size. Ultrasound and x-ray showed a highly vascular irregular mass with bony involvement of the third metacarpal. Initial suspicions were of an enchondroma. Following an MRI scan, the orthopaedic team proceeded to biopsy the lesion. The histology suggested a giant cell tumour. Curretage of the lesion, with bone grafting was performed and fu...

ea0059ep100 | Thyroid | SFEBES2018

Spontaneous Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome in Pregnancy: A Rare Presentation of Hypothyroidism

Johns Emma C , McGrane David J , Gallagher Andrew

Clinical Case: A 27 year-old primigravida was referred for gynaecology assessment after her 12 week booking ultrasound scan showed a multiloculated cystic mass in the Pouch of Douglas. She reported fatigue, dry skin and constipation for several months. She had no past medical history and took no regular medications. She had conceived naturally, and her periods were previously regular. There was a family history of hypothyroidism in her sister. She emigrated from India 3 years ...

ea0038p35 | Clinical biochemistry | SFEBES2015

Biochemical evaluation of adrenal incidentalomas referred to endocrine surgery in a large teaching hospital

Davison Andrew , Hill Charlotte , Russell Nicki , Waghorn Alison , Shore Susannah

Background: Adrenal incidentaloma (AI) increasingly pose a diagnostic challenge. This retrospective observational study evaluated biochemical investigations performed in patients referred to Endocrine Surgery with AI and assessed adherence to Guidelines. Biochemical, histological and radiological characteristics of AI were also reviewed.Methods: Data were collected from Hospital and Laboratory records for referrals between January 2012–April 2014.</...

ea0038p46 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015

Review in specialist Turner clinic improves management

Packer Caroline , Jones Christopher , Clift Paul , Toogood Andrew

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is associated with significant morbidity and a reduction in life expectancy. National guidelines have been developed to support the management of adult patients with TS but little is known about their implementation. We therefore sought to compare the management of patients with TS seen within a single tertiary referral centre by endocrinology, either general-purpose or Turner-specific clinics (TSC), or by other specialties.<p class="abstex...