Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0031p140 | Growth and development | SFEBES2013

Comprehensive spatio-temporal expression profiling reveals a complete natriuretic peptide system in the developing Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Lessey Andrew , Mirczuk Samantha , McGonnell Imelda , Fowkes Robert

C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) is the ancestral and most highly conserved member of the mammalian natriuretic peptide family. Although broadly expressed throughout the periphery (bone, gonads, kidneys), CNP is the major natriuretic peptide of the brain and CNS and is suspected to influence neuroendocrine function. Our recent studies using fetal human pituitary samples has shown that the gene encoding CNP, NPPC, is expressed early on in pituitary development but a co...

ea0031p330 | Steroids | SFEBES2013

Quantitative analysis of canrenone in plasma by triple quadrupole mass spectrometry

Homer Natalie , Harrison Jill , Iqbal Javaid , Walker Brian , Andrew Ruth

Canrenone is a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist used as a diuretic agent to treat hypertension. It is the major active metabolite of spironolactone and may be quantified in clinical studies either to ensure compliance or to gain information about pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic interactions.The aim of this study was to develop and validate a sensitive, quantitative assay for the analysis of canrenone in plasma.HPLC mass spectr...

ea0028oc2.8 | Reproduction and bone | SFEBES2012

A calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) variant, Glu250Lys, present in familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH) and autosomal dominant hypocalcaemic hypercalciuria (ADHH) probands represents a functionally neutral polymorphism: lessons for CaSR mutational analysis

Hannan Fadil , Nesbit M Andrew , Cranston Treena , Thakker Rajesh

Mutational analysis of the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is frequently undertaken to confirm a diagnosis of familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH) and autosomal dominant hypocalcaemic hypercalciuria (ADHH). However, functional characterization of these CaSR mutations to demonstrate loss-of-function for FHH mutations and gain-of-function for ADHH mutations is infrequently performed. We demonstrate the importance of pursuing in vitro studies that investigate the functiona...

ea0028p4 | Bone | SFEBES2012

The impact of different vitamin D preparations for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in primary hyperparathyroidism (PTHP)

Ludlam Sophie , Richardson Thomas , Kakad Rakhi , Bates Andrew , Rahim Asad

We have previously demonstrated that 80% of patients with PTHP will have co-existing vitamin D deficiency suggesting an increased metabolism of vitamin D. There are few data assessing the impact and safety of different vitamin D preparations on calcium, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D in this group. Here, we report the details of replacement therapy using different vitamin D preparations. In a retrospective study of 22 (20F:2M and 8 Asian:14 Non-Asian) patients with co...

ea0028p17 | Bone | SFEBES2012

Audit of pre-operative imaging in primary hyperparathyroidism

McLaren Laura , Gallagher Andrew , Gallacher Stephen , MacLean Fergus , Hinnie John

Introduction: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) affects 0.3% of the population. It is characterised by hypercalcaemia with an inappropriately high parathyroid hormone level. The majority of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism are asymptomatic and are diagnosed following an incidental finding of hypercalcaemia. Symptomatic disease is related to hypercalcaemia and can present with complications such as renal calculi and osteoporosis. Parathyroidectomy is the treatment of ...

ea0028p23 | Clinical biochemistry | SFEBES2012

A method for simultaneous analysis of androgens, dutasteride and finasteride in human serum by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Upreti Rita , Homer Natalie , Naredo Gregorio , Walker Brian , Andrew Ruth

Background: 5α-Reductase (5αR) catalyses conversion of testosterone to its more potent metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is inhibited when treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. 5αR has two isozymes; dual isozyme inhibition with dutasteride gives greater DHT suppression than finasteride, which inhibits only 5αR type 2.Aim: To develop a novel assay to simultaneously analyse testosterone, epitestosterone, DHT, androstenedione, du...

ea0028p73 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2012

Transient thyrotoxicosis following parathyroidectomy

Jose Biju , Hiwot Tarek , Inston Nicholas , Ready Andrew , Gittoes Neil

Introduction: Thyrotoxicosis of iatrogenic origin is well recognized, particularly with use of drugs such as amiodarone and lithium. However, thyrotoxicosis after parathyroid surgery is rarely reported and has been poorly characterized within prospective studies. We report the case of a lady who underwent parathyroidectomy who developed self-limiting thyrotoxicosis.Case: A 42 year old lady presented with recurrent urinary tract infections due to bilatera...

ea0028p109 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2012

Postmenopausal hirsutism: Ovarian hyperthecosis or androgen secreting adrenal tumour

Krishnasamy Senthilkumar , Moulik Probal , Macleod Andrew , Richmond Kathy

Background: Post menopausal hirsutism should raise suspicion of androgen secreting tumors. We present a case due to bilateral ovarian hyperthecosis with an adrenal incidentaloma.Case history: 57 year old female patient was referred to us with history of new onset hirsutism over the past 2 years. She went through menopause 6 years back. On examination she had hirsutism affecting all her body, no evidence of virilization and no organomegaly on abdominal ex...

ea0028p305 | Steroids | SFEBES2012

Ageing and social isolation increase susceptibility to anxiety in mice lacking 5α-reductase type 1

Di Rollo Emma , Livingstone Dawn , Walker Brian , Andrew Ruth

Glucocorticoid excess is associated with increased anxiety and accelerated cognitive decline. Concentrations of glucocorticoids within tissues, including the brain, are influenced by local metabolism. 5α-Reductase 1 (5αR1), expressed in brain, converts corticosterone to its A-ring reduced metabolites, which have a different spectrum of activities. Here, we investigated if mice homozygous for disrupted 5αR1 alleles (5αR1-KO) experience heightened anxiety and...

ea0027p66 | (1) | BSPED2011

Audit on psychology/psychotherapy support in children with diabetes

Shah Pratik , Hoyle Andrew , Arun Sara , Lipscomb Anthony

Introduction: In the United Kingdom, the prevalence of type 1 diabetes in the under-15s is rising fast, an increase of 80% is expected by 2020 and even higher, 125%, in the under five age group. The National Service Framework Standard recommends that all children/young adults with diabetes should receive consistently high quality care and they, with their families, be supported to optimise the control of their blood glucose and all aspects of their subsequent development.<...