Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0015oc3 | Young Endocrinologist prize session | SFEBES2008

Does 11βHSD1 in visceral adipose tissue (VAT) deliver cortisol to the liver? Studies with portal vein sampling and tracer infusion in humans

Stimson Roland , Andrew Ruth , Redhead Doris , Hayes Peter , Walker Brian

Cortisol is regenerated from cortisone by 11βHSD1 reductase in cells from VAT. Mice overexpressing 11βHSD1 in adipocytes have more glucocorticoids in the portal vein (PV) and hepatic insulin resistance. In humans, hepatic vein (HV) sampling during D4-cortisol tracer infusion confirmed substantial splanchnic cortisol generation, and indirect modelling suggested major contributions from both liver and VAT. PV sampling in dogs, however, did not reveal cortisol release f...

ea0015p19 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2008

A case severe magnesium deficiency due to gentamicin therapy

Moulik Probal , Siddique Haroon , Pickett Pat , Macleod Andrew

Introduction: Aminoglycoside exposure may result in hypomagnesemia, hypocalcaemia and hypokalemia. We describe a case of severe hypomagnesemia due to gentamicin therapy.Case report: A 46-year-old lady presented with ‘pins and needles’ and muscle cramps two weeks after being treated with gentamicin for biliary sepsis. Trosseau and chovstek signs were positive. Investigations showed hypokalemia, hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesemia (0.25 mmol/l (0.74...

ea0015p132 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2008

In obese men, lower circulating androgens restrain generation of oestrogens by aromatase, with adverse metabolic effects

Gibb Fraser , Reynolds Rebecca , Phillips David , Andrew Ruth

Objective: Aromatase deficiency in mice or men prevents conversion of androgens to oestrogens and results in central obesity and insulin resistance. In idiopathic obesity, higher aromatase mRNA levels in adipose tissue predict peripheral rather than central fat distribution, but any contribution of aromatase to metabolic complications is unknown. Here, we measured plasma steroids in a large cohort of men and post-menopausal women, in whom aromatase is the major source of oestr...

ea0015p267 | Pituitary | SFEBES2008

Pituitary radiotherapy and cerebral blood flow: a transcranial Doppler in vivo investigation

Tooze Alana , Gittoes Neil , Jones Chris , Toogood Andrew

Background: Surgery, sometimes supported by adjunctive radiotherapy (RT), is the treatment of choice for patients with non-functioning pituitary adenoma (NFA). Previous studies have shown that patients treated with pituitary RT have doubling of mortality ratio due to cerebrovascular disease (CVD) but the reason for this excess is unclear. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) can be used to measure blood velocity in the middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) within the circle of Willis and also...

ea0015p298 | Steroids | SFEBES2008

Single serum cortisol level at sixty minutes during synacthen test: a reliable and cost effective approach

Liz Haydon , Deepthi Madhavan , Pat Pickett , Andrew Macleod , Probal Moulik

Aim: To asses the significance of single 60 min serum cortisol level compared to conventional approach in short synacthen test (SST).Methods: Retrospective analysis of cortisol values in SST. Serum cortisol values at baseline, 30 min and 60 min were recorded. Rise of serum cortisol level to >550 nmol/l and a rise of >200 nmol/l from baseline is considered to be a negative test for hypoadrenalism.Results: About 168 patients ...

ea0015p323 | Steroids | SFEBES2008

Antiphospholipid syndrome: a rare cause of adrenal insufficiency

Bashir Ahmed , Siddique Haroon , Moulik Probal , Macleod Andrew , Pickett Pat

Introduction: We report a case of adrenal insufficiency as the first clinical manifestation of antiphospholipid syndrome.Case report: A 56-year-old male with no previous history of thrombosis was admitted with 3 stone weight loss and feeling generally unwell. He was hypotensive, pigmented and had a slate grey pigmentation of the nose. Chest auscultation revealed reduced breath sounds. Investigations revealed low sodium and high potassium levels with meta...

ea0015p384 | Thyroid | SFEBES2008

Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure due to hypothyroidism

Macleod Andrew , Siddique Haroon , Bashir Ahmed , Moulik Probal , Beshr Ahmed

Introduction: Hypothyroid myopathy with moderate elevation of muscle enzymes is not uncommon. However rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure due hypothyroidism is rare and only few cases have reported. We describe a patient with rhabdomyolysis due to primary hypothyroidism.Case report: A 45-year-old male was admitted with 6 weeks history of generalised muscle weakness. He described his gait as ‘walking like a drunk’ in the absence of alcohol. H...

ea0013oc4 | Steroid synthesis and action | SFEBES2007

Modulation of membrane initiated glucocorticoid signalling by caveolin-1

Matthews Laura , Berry Andrew , Ohanian Jaqui , Ohanian Vasken , Ray David

Many glucocorticoid (Gc) actions are of rapid onset, and therefore require acute regulation of intracellular signalling cascades. We have previously identified rapid Gc-dependent activation of the caveolae specific integral membrane protein caveolin, and the cytosolic kinase PKB in the lung epithelial cells, A549.Immunofluorescence studies demonstrate the appearance of activated glucocorticoid receptor (P-ser211-GR) localised to focal points around the c...

ea0013oc18 | Novartis Clinical Endocrinology Award | SFEBES2007

Sedlin mutations disrupt interactions with pituitary homeobox 1 (Pitx1) and steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1): potential cause of delayed puberty in boys with Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDT)

Jeyabalan Jeshmi , Andrew Nesbit M , Ingraham Holly A , Thakker Rajesh V

Delayed puberty may occur in some boys affected with X-linked Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda (SEDT), which is caused by mutations of the gene encoding a 140 amino acid protein designated Sedlin. Sedlin interacts with the pituitary homeobox 1 (Pitx1) and steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1) transcription factors, which are involved in the development and regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. We have therefore investigated the hypothesis that SEDT associated mutatio...

ea0013p128 | Growth and development | SFEBES2007

Growth in Growth Hormone (GH) deficient dwarf rats is enhanced by variable dose GH treatment

Maqsood Arfa , Whatmore Andrew , Westwood Melissa , Clayton Peter

Good growth in children is associated with large, disordered, fluctuations in GH levels from week to week (Gill et al., 1999; Gill et al., 2001). However, GH treatment regimens are restricted to daily fixed doses which may not provide optimal growth. We have used GH-deficient dwarf rats (dw/dw) to test our hypothesis that variable GH dosing will enhance growth.Six week old, male dwarf rats (16 per group) were treated for 6 weeks with either...