Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0015p91 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2008

Growth hormone replacement in patients with treated germ cell tumours: safety issues

Chung Teng-Teng LL , Kelly Phillip , Metcalfe Karl , Akker Scott , Drake William , Monson John

The potential for primary tumour relapse is an important consideration during GH replacement therapy (GHR). We report 3 cases of relapse of intra cranial germ cell tumour (GCT) during GHR.Patient 1: An 11 year-old female presenting with visual loss and short stature due to a suprasellar malignant teratoma. She was successfully treated with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatinum (BEP) and intrathecal chemotherapy. She suffered a first relapse two years late...

ea0013p198 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | SFEBES2007

An unusual phaeochromocytoma crisis presenting with profound hypoglycaemia and subsequent hypertension

Davis Katherine , Khoo Bernard , Drake William M , Grossman Ashley B , Frankton Sarah

A 47 year old Macedonian Personal Trainer presented with 4 days of vomiting, abdominal pain and profuse sweating. He admitted abusing anabolic steroids 20 years previously but never insulin. The presenting capillary blood glucose (CBG) was 1.7 mmol/L, blood pressure (BP) 182/106 mmHg, pulse 62 bpm. On examination, he was sweaty, pale and cold. Blood was drawn for measurement of insulin, C-peptide, glucose, cortisol and thyroid function tests. He was treated with 50% dextrose a...

ea0074oc8 | Oral Communications | SFENCC2021

Pregnancy and postpartum clinical course in a woman with a homozygous calcium-sensing receptor mutation

Seguna Desiree , Rizvi Fareeha , Gorrigan Rebecca , Wiles Kate , Khan Rehan , Drake William Martyn

Section 1: Case history: We present the case of a 21-year-old lady known to harbour a homozygous inactivating mutation of the calcium sensing receptor (CaSR) which led to uncontrolled hypercalcaemia in infancy, necessitating emergency total parathyroidectomy. The CaSR plays an important role in calcium homeostasis. Inactivating mutations result in a higher calcium “set-point” and various degrees of hypercalcaemia based on the severity of functional impairment. In the...

ea0099ep1240 | Late Breaking | ECE2024

Exploring experiences of patients with adrenal insufficiency (AI) using parenteral hydrocortisone injection device to manage adrenal crisis: a qualitative interview study

Chua Aldons , Drake William , Yoeli Heather , Oyibo Patrick , Dashora Umesh , Till David , Cartwright Martin , Llahana Sofia

Background: Adrenal Insufficiency (AI) is an inadequate production of cortisol hormone from the adrenal glands. The most common form is secondary AI (suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), with a prevalence of approximately 300 cases per million. Patients with AI require lifelong corticosteroid replacement, which poses a risk of a life-threatening adrenal crisis (AC) event. AC presents with low blood pressure, hypoglycaemia and even loss of consciousness. Thi...

ea00100wh2.4 | Workshop H: Miscellaneous endocrine and metabolic disorders | SFEEU2024

Mind your PJPs and coombs

Ng Elisabeth , Goodchild Emily , Pittaway James , Gaoatswe Gadintshware , Hussain Shazia , Drake William

A previously fit and well 29-year-old male presented with an 8-month history of progressive facial and peripheral swelling, accompanied by generalised weakness, weight gain, nocturia and a 2 year history of left-sided abdominal pain. He was originally from Ghana and moved to the UK in 2022 with limited family support. On examination he was hypertensive (157/108 mmHg) with facial fullness, dry skin, proximal muscle weakness, conjunctival injection and haematomata at recent vene...

ea00100oc8 | Oral Communications | SFEEU2024

Dexamethasone-suppressed PET CT, using an 18F-ligand (‘CETO’), allows non-invasive diagnosis of unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma, and prediction of complete clinical cure after adrenalectomy

Kearney Jessica , Goodchild Emily , Wu Xilin , Cheow Heok , Gurnell Mark , Drake William , Brown Morris J

Case History: A 57-year-old lady was referred with a 6-year history of hypertension and hypokalaemia necessitating hospital admission. Her medical background included breast cancer managed with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. She required Eplerenone 50 mg OD and Amlodipine 5 mg to control her hypertension, and Sando-K 2 tablets TDS to maintain normokalaemia. The patient was enrolled into the MATCH trial comparing adrenal vein sampling (AVS) with [11C]-metomi...

ea00100p37 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2024

PET CT and ultrasound-guided endoscopic radiofrequency ablation: almost a one-stop, minimally-invasive cure for hypertension due to an aldosterone-producing adenoma

Kearney Jessica , Goodchild Emily , Wu Xilin , Goodchild George , Cheow Heok , Gurnell Mark , Drake William , Brown Morris

Case history: A 39-year-old gentleman was referred to the Endocrine clinic with a 5-year history of hypertension and intermittent hypokalaemia. He had been seen in the hypertension clinic, screened for secondary causes, and found to have an aldosterone of 604 pmol/l, renin <0.2 nmol/l/hr and potassium 3.7 mmo/l (off interfering medication), in-keeping with a diagnosis of Primary Aldosteronism (PA). His blood pressure was 126/82 mmHg on Ramipril 10 mg, Amlodipine 5 mg OD an...

ea0077p4 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular | SFEBES2021

The saline infusion test, but not the captopril challenge test, is associated with intra-test hypertension and hypokalaemia in patients being investigated for primary aldosteronism

Mourougavelou Vishnou , Qamar Sulmaaz , Akker Scott , Druce Maralyn , Sze Candy , Waterhouse Mona , Chung Teng-Teng , Drake William , O’Toole Sam

Background: Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a common, curable and high-risk subset of hypertension, mandating detection. In all but the most severe cases, learned society guidelines recommend confirmatory testing. Whilst a variety of confirmatory tests exist, data describing their safety are limited. Concerns centre around the potential of some tests to precipitate hypokalaemia or a hypertensive emergency in a patient with PA on sub-optimal anti-hypertensive medication. In this ...

ea0055p14 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2018

Low ACTH and cortisol production following adrenalectomy for primary aldosteronism

Goodchild Emily , Wu Xilin , Salsbury Jackie , Kurzawinski Tom , Matson Matthew , Cheow Heok , Chung Teng Teng , Drake William , Brown Morris

Case history: A 74-year-old gentleman with primary aldosteronism (PA) was referred for the ‘MATCH’ study – a prospective comparison of 11C-metomidate PET CT with adrenal vein sampling. He took no exogenous steroids.Investigations: Na 147 mmol/l, K 3.7 mmol/l, aldosterone 496 pmol/l, renin activity <0.17 nmol/l per h, random cortisol 247 nmol/l and concomitant ACTH 9.3 ng/l. Two overnight dexamethasone suppression tests recorded values ...

ea0065p12 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular | SFEBES2019

Endoscopic ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation (EUS-RFA) as an alternative to left sided adrenalectomy in the treatment of primary aldosteronism

Wu Xilin , Ney Alexander , Cheow Heok , Goodchild Emily , Argentesi Giulia , Chung Teng-Teng , Drake William , Pereira Stephen , Brown Morris

Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the cause of 5–10% of hypertension, surgically curable in patients with unilateral aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs). However <1% of patients are currently diagnosed and cured. Newer and simpler modalities of diagnosis and treatment are required. The aim of FABULAS (a feasibility study of endoscopic ultrasound-guided ablation as a non-surgical, adrenal sparing treatment for aldosterone-producing adenomas) is to determine in 30 patient...