ea0050cmw2.2 | Workshop 2: Hyper and Hypocalcaemia | SFEBES2017
ea0050cmw2.2 | Workshop 2: Hyper and Hypocalcaemia | SFEBES2017
ea0049s1.2 | Clinical Updates in Hypoparathyroidism | ECE2017
ea0035s28.3 | Molecular pathophysiology for clinicians: receptor-related disorders | ECE2014
ea0094pl10.1 | Clinical Endocrinology Journal Foundation Lecture | SFEBES2023
ea0055p13 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2018
Dede Anastasia , Hannan Fadil , Cranston Treena , Thakker Rajesh , Shotliff Kevin
ea0028oc2.8 | Reproduction and bone | SFEBES2012
Hannan Fadil , Nesbit M Andrew , Cranston Treena , Thakker Rajesh
ea0094oc3.4 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2023
Meng Xin , Rostom Hussam , Elajnaf Taha , Hannan Fadil M
ea0050oc6.6 | Bone, Calcium and Neoplasia | SFEBES2017
Olesen Mie K , Gorvin Caroline M , Thakker Rajesh V , Hannan Fadil M
ea0050p044 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2017
Gorvin Caroline , Cranston Treena , Homfray Tessa , Shine Brian , Hannan Fadil , Thakker Rajesh