Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0099ep748 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2024

Moringa oleifera and hypoglycemia: the causal link!

Dounia Talbi , Ghizlane Sebbar , Kaoutar Rifai , Iraqi Hinde , Mohamed El Hassan Gharbi

Introduction: Moringa oleifera (MO) (also known as ‘drumstick’) is a tree belonging to the family Moringaceae, genus Moringa, originally native from the Himalayans but currently cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. It has been used as a food source and for traditional medicine purposes due to possible antihyperglycemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and lipid regulating properties, and have been reported earlier by different scienti...

ea0099ep913 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2024

HTA and hypokalemia: always think of cushing’s disease

Dounia Talbi , Kaoutar Elmoatamid , Ghizlane Sebbar , Kaoutar Rifai , Hinde Iraqi , Mohamed El Hassan Gharbi

Introduction: Arterial hypertension of endocrine origin remains a rare and curable cause of hypertension. The association of hypertension and hypokalemia should always prompt us to consider cushing’s disease.Case Report: A 39-year-old female patient, followed for 9 years for hypertension on dual therapy. Clinical examination was unremarkable, in whom the diagnosis of ACTH-dependent cushing’s syndrome was made on the basis of clinical and biolog...

ea0099ep1260 | Late Breaking | ECE2024

Papillary thyroid carcinoma revealed by toxic goiter: a case report

Azagouagh Hajar , Meryem Karimi , Dounia Talbi , Ghizlane Sebbar , Kaoutar Rifai , Hind Iraqi , Elhassan Gharbi Mohamed

Introduction: A toxic goiter is a goiter that functions autonomously, causing hypersecretion of thyroid hormones, and is almost always benign. We report here the case of a toxic goiter that revealed the presence of papillary thyroid carcinoma.Observation: Patient aged 68, with a history of arterial hypertension, followed for hyperthyroidism on a toxic goitre, with a thyroid scintigraphy showing an enlarged thyroid gland with intense uptake on the right s...

ea0099ep1337 | Late Breaking | ECE2024

Sarcoidosis and hypothalamohypophyseal insufficiency: a case report

Azagouagh Hajar , Dounia Talbi , Meryem Karimi , Ghizlane Sebbar , Kaoutar Rifai , Hind Iraqi , Elhassan Gharbi Mohamed

Introduction: Sarcoidosis is a multisystem inflammatory disease. Hypothalamic-pituitary involvement in sarcoidosis is rare and poorly described. We report here a case of pituitary insufficiency during sarcoidosis disease.Observation: Patient aged 49 years, followed for systemic sarcoidosis with cutaneous, pulmonary and ocular tropism for 7 years, admitted for exploration of a severe polyuro-polydipsic syndrome with four nocturnal awakenings, questioning ...

ea0099ep1341 | Late Breaking | ECE2024

Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy type 2 associated with celiac disease: a case report

Azagouagh Hajar , Meryem Karimi , Dounia Talbi , Ghizlane Sebbar , Kaoutar Rifai , Hind Iraqi , Elhassan Gharbi Mohamed

Introduction: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathies (AEP) are rare diseases defined by the presence of at least two endocrine deficiencies linked to an autoimmune mechanism, sometimes with an associated non-endocrine autoimmune disease. Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy type 2 is a more common syndrome, appearing mainly in adults.Observation: We report the case of a 27-year-old patient, admitted for management of acute inaugural adrenal decompensation, with a hist...