ea0033dp6 | Diabetes Professionals Meeting Programme | BSPED2013
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ea0026s19.2 | Management of endocrine disease in adolescence | ECE2011
ea0007p21 | Cytokines and growth factors | BES2004
ea0009p172 | Thyroid | BES2005
Gleeson H , Smethurst L , Shalet S
ea0007oc16 | Development and growth | BES2004
Gleeson H , Lissett C , Shalet S
ea0004p33 | Cytokines and growth factors | SFE2002
Gleeson H , Murray R , Shalet S
ea0003p194 | Neuroendocrinology | BES2002
Gleeson H , Baylis C , Shalet S
ea0006oc22 | Growth and Development | SFE2003
Gleeson H , Gattamaneni H , Smethurst L , Brennan B , Shalet S
ea0004oc5 | Growth regulation and development | SFE2002
Stoeter R , Gleeson H , Ogilvy-Stuart A , Shalet S