Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0103p57 | Obesity 1 | BSPED2024

Socioeconomic inequalities in severe childhood obesity: findings from a tier-3 paediatric weight management service

Hickingbotham Hannah , Opstad Hannah

Introduction: Rates of obesity in children are rising and the cause is multifactorial. Previous studies have shown a higher prevalence of childhood obesity in areas with high socioeconomic deprivation and that the gap is increasing gap between the obesity prevalence in the most and least deprived areas. We report data on the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), specific Domains of Deprivation and E-food desert index (EFDI) data for children and young people (CYP) in the compli...

ea0103oc9.9 | Diabetes Oral Communications 2 | BSPED2024

Young people and parent or carers views on type 2 diabetes mellitus care in england and wales – insights from the PREM survey report

Hawton Katherine , Hickingbotham Hannah , Sachdev Pooja

Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is increasing in prevalence in children and young people (CYP) in the United Kingdom. There is a paucity of evidence about CYP opinions of T2DM care and how it should be tailored to meet their needs. We have analysed the Parent and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREM) survey responses specifically from patients with T2DM and their families to inform care.Methods: The National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (N...

ea0085oc7.5 | Oral Communications 7 | BSPED2022

Monogenic obesity is probably not so rare - experience from a large tier 3 paediatric weight management service

Hawton Katherine , Hickingbotham Hannah , Hamilton-Shield Julian , Giri Dinesh

Background: Monogenic obesity is generally considered to only be responsible for a small proportion of genetic obesity with the vast majority attributable to polygenic obesity. Previous studies estimate that monogenic obesity accounts for less than 5% of obesity in Caucasian populations.Aims and method: To identify prevalence and clinical characteristics of monogenic obesity, we reviewed clinical notes of 219 patients currently, or recently (within 24 mo...

ea0095p3 | Adrenal 1 | BSPED2023

Case series of non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia in childhood

Hickingbotham Hannah , Olivier Jessica , Ramaswamy Priya , Chowdhury Nazma , Wei Christina

Introduction: Evidence in the management of children with non-classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCCAH) is limited. We describe the clinical presentations and treatment of NCCAH patients under a tertiary paediatric endocrine centre.Results: Data collected [reported in median(ranges)] identified 10(7M,3F) cases of NCCAH [21-hydroxylase deficiency(21-OHD)(n=9), 11-deoxycortisol deficiency(n=1)], ag...

ea0095p138 | Obesity 2 | BSPED2023

Genetics of early onset obesity: Initial data from a tier 3 paediatric weight management service

Hawton Katherine , Hickingbotham Hannah , Fitzgerald Amy , Hamilton-Shield Julian , Giri Dinesh

Introduction: A proportion of severe obesity is due to monogenic inheritance, however access to genetic testing is often limited which may underestimate prevalence. We report our data obtained via the Rare Obesity Advanced Diagnosis™ genetic testing program established to diagnose rare genetic causes of obesity.Methods: 49 patients (22 male) under the care of a tier 3 paediatric weight management service with early-...