ea0029p261 | Calcium & Vitamin D metabolism | ICEECE2012
ea0029s15.2 | Adrenal cancer | ICEECE2012
ea0026pl4 | Gonadotrophin signalling in health and disease | ECE2011
ea0015s27 | Androgen receptors - physiology and disease | SFEBES2008
ea0008s10 | Stressed mothers: Causes and outcomes | SFE2004
ea0008s15 | Hormones in natural products | SFE2004
ea0007s33 | Joint BES and EFES symposium: Neuroactive steroids: implications for disease and healthy ageing | BES2004
ea0007s44 | Congenital adrenal hyperplasia | BES2004
ea0004s1 | European Medal Lecture | SFE2002
ea0004s1biog | European Medal Lecture | SFE2002