ea0035p303 | Clinical case reports Thyroid/Others | ECE2014
Kowalska Beata
, Lomna-Bogdanov Elzbieta
, Pukajlo Katarzyna
, Kaluzny Marcin
, Jedrzejuk Diana
, Doskocz Krzysztof
We report the case of 57-year-old man with end-stage renal disease, primary hyperparathyroidism and after an surgery of upper parathyroid glands with ectopic parathyroid localized in lung. Patient was directed to our hospital to perform diagnostics on hyperparathyroidism. Two years earlier (2011) patient was hospitalized because of weakness and weight loss, and was diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism. In 2012 he underwent the bilateral parathyroidectomy of upper glands ...