Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0021p212 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | SFEBES2009

Routine central compartment lymph node dissection for papillary thyroid cancer has minimal impact on early postoperative parameters

Parameswaran Rajeev , Stechman Michael , Weaver Andrew , Sadler Gregory , Mihai Radu

Background: Arguably patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancers (PTC) are more likely to have negative radioactive iodine uptake and low/undetectable thyroglobulin levels if the central compartment lymph node dissection (CCLND) is performed routinely irrespective of the macroscopic appearance of the LN. The aim of this study was to determine whether routine CCLND leads to more favourable outcome in the first year after treatment for well-differentiat...

ea0015p193 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | SFEBES2008

Cost-effectiveness of scan-directed parathyroidectomy

Mihai Radu , Weisters Mary , Stechman Michael , Gleeson Fergus , Sadler Greg

Background: Concordant parathyroid localization studies using sestamibi and ultrasound scans allow minimally invasive parathyroidectomy to be the procedure of choice for patients with non-familial primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). This study investigates the financial implications of scan-directed parathyroid surgery.Methods: Analysis of hospital records for a cohort of consecutive unselected patients treated in a tertiary referral centre over a 5-year...

ea0059ep1 | Adrenal and steroids | SFEBES2018

A rare erythropoietin secreting adrenal adenoma

Healy Jessica , Aishah Abas Nurazah , Williams Christopher , Evans Sally , Illiff Helen , Stechman Michael , Wilton Anthony

A 41 year old female presented to the haematologists with a coincidental finding of polycythaemia: haemoglobin 198 g/L, white blood cell count 8×109/L, platelets 236×109/L, haematocrit 0.57 L/L and red blood cell count 6.16×1012/L. Six years earlier haemoglobin 151 g/L, white blood cell count 7.7×109/L, platelets 297×109/L, haematocrit 0.4 L/L and red blood cell count 4.53×1012/L. S...

ea0015oc19 | Tumours, diabetes, bone | SFEBES2008

Expression of the parathyroid-specific transcription factor glial cell-missing B is regulated by GATA3

Grigorieva Irina , Nesbit M Andrew , Ali Asif , Stechman Michael J , Thakker Rajesh

Glial-cell missing b (GCMB) is a parathyroid-specific gene whose loss results in parathyroid agenesis while haploinsufficiency of GATA3, which belongs to a family (GATA1-6) of dual zinc-finger transcription factors causes the hypoparathyroidism-deafness-renal dysplasia (HDR) syndrome. We investigated the possibility that GATA3 regulates GCMB expression. Our bioinformatics analysis revealed 5 putative GATA3 binding sites in the 1.3 kb region upstream of exon 1 of GCMB...

ea0104p151 | Neuroendocrinology | SFEIES24

The pre- and perioperative management of pheochromocytomas and intraabdominal paragangliomas- service evaluation at the tertiary centre

Keavney Zack , Stechman Michael , Scott-Coombes David , Lansdown Andrew , Taylor Peter , Witczak Justyna

Background: Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are rare neuroendocrine tumours managed with pre-operative alpha+/- beta blockade prior to surgery. These patients are at risk of intra-and postoperative haemodynamic instability. The aim of this project was to review the outcomes of PPGL patients operated on between 2018-2023 at Cardiff and Vale UHB.Methods: Retrospective case notes (n = 29) review for data collection on baseline demograp...

ea0013p149 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2007

Metabolic cage studies reveal that mice require 5 days for acclimatisation: establishing normal urinary and blood biochemistry values in BALB/c and C3H/HeH inbred mouse strains

Stechman Michael , Ahmad Bushra , Loh Nellie , Reed Anita , Hough Tertius , Bentley Liz , Cox Roger , Brown Steve , Thakker Rajesh

Inbred laboratory mice are widely used to generate, by homologous recombination, transgenic and chemical mutagenesis routes, genetic models of human disease. However, physiological studies of such models are hampered by the lack of normal ranges for serum and urinary biochemistry, particularly in relation to acclimatisation following placement in metabolic cages. To establish such values, we investigated urinary and serum parameters in forty, 24–30 week-old C3H/HeH, BALB/...

ea0094p140 | Thyroid | SFEBES2023

Levothyroxine allergy subsequently managed with desensitization – a highly challenging but definitely not sinister case

Lei Yin Win , Nawaz Asif , Ahmed Aftab , Hanna Stephanie , James Ponsford Mark , Stechman Michael , Gray Laurence , Taylor Peter

Levothyroxine, the standard therapy for hypothyroidism, is usually well tolerated and very few cases of true allergy to levothyroxine have been reported to date. In these cases mechanisms have not been conclusively identified but have been hypothesized to be allergies to excipients. Here we report a rare occurrence of levothyroxine allergy and the effectiveness of desensitization. A 56-year-old lady with no previous history of allergies required a total thyroidectomy for Grave...

ea0021p19 | Bone | SFEBES2009

Hereditary renal calcification locus, Rcalc1, is associated with altered expression of cell survival genes

Loh Nellie Y , Stechman Michael J , Schulz Herbert , Jeyabalan Jeshmi , Reed Anita A C , Ahmad Bushra , Stewart Michelle , Brown Steve D M , Huebner Norbert , V. Thakker Rajesh

Renal stone disease is a common disorder for which the underlying causes remain largely unknown. We have investigated a hereditary renal calcification mouse model, Rcalc1, that is not associated with hypercalciuria for underlying mechanisms. Kidney RNA from 30 to 33 week-old Rcalc1 and control BALB/c and C3H female mice (n=4/group) was extracted and hybridised to Mouse Genome 430 2.0 arrays (Affymetrix). Following Robust Multichip Average normalization, pair-wise compar...

ea0013p140 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2007

cDNA expression profiling studies reveal 7 differentially expressed genes on mouse chromosome 7 that may influence renal calcification in C3H/HeH inbred mice

Loh Nellie , Stechman Michael , Reed Anita , Ahmad Bushra , Stewart Michelle , Hacker Terry , Schulz Herbert , Born Gabi , Dear Neil , Brown Steve , Hubner Norbert , Thakker Rajesh

Vascular calcification, occurring in organs such as heart and kidneys, is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. The underlying molecular mechanisms remain unknown. To elucidate these, we investigated C3H mice, an inbred strain susceptible to vascular, myocardial and renal calcification. Myocardial calcification in C3H mice involves 4 genetic loci, Dyscalc1-4, that map to chromosomes 7, 4, 12 and 14, respectively. Dyscalc1 contributes to myoc...

ea0034oc4.6 | Thyroid and bone | SFEBES2014

An ENU-induced Tyr265Stop mutation in Polg2 is associated with renal calcification in RCALC2 mice

Gorvin Caroline , Piret Sian , Ahmad Bushra , Stechman Michael , Loh Nellie , Hough Tertius , Leo Paul , Marshall Mhairi , Sethi Siddharth , Bentley Liz , Reed Anita , Christie Paul , Simon Michelle , Mallon Ann-Marie , Brown Matthew , Cox Roger , Brown Steve , Thakker Rajesh

Renal calcification (nephrocalcinosis), which has a multi-factorial etiology involving environmental and genetic determinants, affects ~8% of adults by 70 years. Nephrocalcinosis may occur as a familial disorder in ~65% of patients, and in 70% of patients, nephrocalcinosis may be associated with endocrine and metabolic disorders that include primary hyperparathyroidism, renal tubular acidosis, hypercalciuria, cystinuria, and hyperoxaluria. Investigations of families with hered...