ea0052nets11 | Speaker Abstracts | UKINETS2017
ea0044s9.1 | Exposing the sins of our fathers (and mothers) | SFEBES2016
ea0028s12.3 | Medullary thyroid cancer | SFEBES2012
ea0021sb1.5 | How to access funds and revolutionise your research | SFEBES2009
ea0094ns1.1 | Primary Hyperparathyroidism: diagnosis to treatment | SFEBES2023
ea0094ret2.3 | Section | SFEBES2023
ea0073mte6 | Meet The Expert 6: Difficult phaeochromocytoma cases | ECE2021
ea0104p110 | Diabetes & Metabolism | SFEIES24
ea0090ep399 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023
Potter Tom , Tomlinson Jeremy , Gathercole Laura