Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0025oc2.4 | Steroids | SFEBES2011

Altered miR-125 and miR-134 expression in aldosterone-producing adenoma and post-transcriptional regulation of the CYP11B2 gene

Wood Stacy , Ejaz Ayesha , Livie Craig , MacKenzie Scott , Connell John , Davies Eleanor

Essential hypertension is known to have a large genetic component. Variation in the CYP11B2 gene, which encodes the aldosterone synthase enzyme, is associated with excess aldosterone production and hypertension but the causative mechanism remains elusive. miRNAs are a class of post-transcriptional regulatory molecules, implicated in cardiovascular disease, development and tumourogenesis. They act by targeting the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of mRNAs, inhibiting t...

ea0025p290 | Steroids | SFEBES2011

Urinary tetrahydroaldosterone excretion is determined by rising urinary sodium excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease

McQuarrie Emily , Mark Patrick , Fraser Robert , Davies Eleanor , Connell John , Freel E Marie

Aim: In chronic kidney disease (CKD) elevated aldosterone (Aldo) levels are a poor prognostic indicator, particularly in the context of a high dietary sodium intake, through unclear mechanisms. Blockade of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) improves surrogate patient outcomes. We hypothesised that regulation of aldosterone biosynthesis is disordered in CKD and aimed to compare this in a cohort of patients with CKD with subjects with essential hypertension (EH).<p class="a...

ea0021p362 | Steroids | SFEBES2009

MicroRNA expression profiling of non-tumorous adrenal tissue and modulation of 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) and aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) genes by miR-24

Wood Stacy , MacKenzie Scott , Stewart Paul , Fraser Robert , Connell John , Davies Eleanor

The CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 genes encode 11β-hydroxylase and aldosterone synthase, which catalyse the production of cortisol and aldosterone, respectively, and have been implicated in the development of hypertension. For this study, we wished to investigate the role of microRNAs (miRNAs), a novel class of post-transcriptional gene regulators. To that end, we generated a profile of human adrenal miRNAs to study, and then investigated the action of one adrenal miR...

ea0013oc19 | Novartis Basic Endocrinology Award | SFEBES2007

Steroidogenic gene transcription in the human hippocampus and cerebellum: a comprehensive survey

MacKenzie Scott , Dewar Deborah , Stewart William , Fraser Robert , Connell John , Davies Eleanor

Previous studies investigating steroidogenic enzymes in the brain have often focused on only a few genes at a time, using animal models or pooled human RNA to investigate their expression. For this study, we obtained RNA from individual archived human brain tissue samples in order to analyse the transcription of twelve genes involved with steroid biosynthesis and metabolism within the cerebellum and hippocampus.We developed realtime RT-PCR assays for twe...

ea0013oc24 | Neuroendocrinology, reproduction and cardiovascular | SFEBES2007

Acute aldosterone responses to ACTH predict both cortisol responses and blood pressure

Reynolds Rebecca , Walker Brian , Phillips David , Syddall Holly , Davies Eleanor , Fraser Robert , Connell John

Background: Aldosterone levels in plasma are reported to be associated with risk of hypertension. Aldosterone secretion from the zona glomerulosa is regulated acutely by the renin/angiotensin system and plasma potassium. The role of ACTH in regulation of aldosterone secretion is disputed.Aim: We have utilised a large population study of middle aged adults to test the extent to which acute aldosterone responses to ACTH are associated with cortisol respons...

ea0013oc30 | Neuroendocrinology, reproduction and cardiovascular | SFEBES2007

Consequences of variation in the CYP11B2 and CYP11B1 genes on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity

Freel E Marie , White Ann , Ingram Mary , Fraser Robert , Davies Eleanor , Connell John

Aldosterone is key in the development of hypertension. We have shown that a SNP (−344T) in the 5’ regulatory region (UTR) of the gene encoding aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) was associated with aldosterone excess and high blood pressure. However, the most robust phenotype is altered adrenal 11-hydroxylation efficiency (deoxycortisol to cortisol); a step carried out by 11β-hydroxylase, encoded by the adjacent gene, CYP11B1. We proposed that the effects of CYP11B...

ea0034oc3.5 | Steroids | SFEBES2014

Linking GWAS to gene function: CYP17A1 in hypertension

Diver Louise , MacKenzie Scott , McManus Frances , Freel Marie , Friel Elaine , Fraser Robert , Hanley Neil , Connell John , Davies Eleanor

Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) implicate the CYP17A1 locus in human blood pressure regulation. This gene is important in steroidogenesis, regulating both glucocorticoid and androgen synthesis through catalysis of 17α-hydroxylation and 17,20 lyase reactions. We hypothesised that functional CYP17A1 polymorphisms linked to those identified by GWAS influence blood pressure levels. We therefore screened the entire CYP17A1 locus by dire...

ea0028p303 | Steroids | SFEBES2012

Demonstration of blood pressure-independent diffuse cardiac fibrosis in Primary Aldosteronism- a cardiac MRI study

Freel Ellen , Mark Patrick , Weir Robin , McQuarrie Emily , Allan Karen , Dargie Henry , Jardine Alan , Davies Eleanor , Connell John

Background: Primary Aldosteronism (PA) is common and associates with excess cardiovascular morbidity independent of blood pressure. Animal and in vitro studies have demonstrated that exposure to aldosterone and sodium leads to cardiac fibrosis and hypertrophy and this may, partly, be mediated by inflammation and oxidative stress. We aimed to clarify the effects of aldosterone excess on myocardial structure and composition in humans using contrast-enhanced cardiac MRI as well a...

ea0025p291 | Steroids | SFEBES2011

Urinary tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone excretion is a significant independent predictor of LV mass in patients with chronic kidney disease

McQuarrie Emily , Mark Patrick , Patel Rajan , Fraser Robert , Davies Eleanor , Steedman Tracey , Connell John , Freel E Marie

Aim: Increasing left ventricular mass index (LVMI) is associated with a poor prognosis in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Blockade of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) in CKD leads to improvement in proteinuria and LV mass. However, the MR can be activated by aldosterone, cortisol and deoxycorticosterone (DOC) and their relative contribution to adverse events in CKD is unclear. We aimed to assess the correlation between mineralocorticoid excretion and LVMI in pat...